What, NO TALKING FOR TWO WEEKS per the surgeon’s orders! Whew, I’ve always said I love challenges but this was one that I didn’t know if I could make it to the end. A little background…. on July 3, 2009 the left side of my face, chin and neck area became numb with pins and needles like when novocaine is wearing off at the dentist. My throat felt like it was closing up and I could hardly swallow, it was hard to even get water down. After tests and scans
I was playing around with food the other day and came up with stuffed hamburgers. Instead of making a pattie then topping it with shredded cheese and onions I put it all together! First I took a ball of hamburg then sprinkled it with shredded cheese and mixed it together. Next I added some delicious fried onions and rolled it around a bit more until the meat, cheese and onions were all mixed. Just before it was fully cooked I added a piece of swiss cheese on top, covered the
When one Ultimate Blog Challenge month ends, I immediately start counting the days for the next challenge! Sometimes the two months seem to drag by but others fly. I have been so busy since the July challenge ended that I didn’t have time to wonder when October would arrive! Unfortunatley I didn’t get to write as many blogs in the past two months that I hoped for but I did get a few good ones in! These are a few of my blogs I wrote while waiting for the October
Twelve days before my great granddaughter’s birthday I wrote a blog a day for Lia’s Twelve Day Countdown. Each blog were highlights from her 1st month to her 12th month. It was exciting to go back through the pictures and see all Lia’s milestones! My plan is to make a book out of each blog and give it to Lia when she turns 18 years old. I have compiled all the countdown blogs from birth to a year in this blog so it’s easier for my readers to follow Lia
It’s that time again, the October 2019 Ultimate Blog Challenge starts today! I’m looking forward to meeting past participants and hopefully some newbies that are joining in on the fun. For those who aren’t familiar with the Ultimate Blog Challenge, for the months of January, April, July, and October the object is to write a blog every day. But if you get stuck on a topic, no worries because the host, Paul T. sends out a daily email with a suggested topic to write about. How cool is that! Stop