Today is not just Friday Story Time by Lia but it’s also the last day of the January UBC so that means I get to have the last words for the month! I’ve got so much to tell you since last week from school to my Indiana bound trip plus more. School Happenings I am in 1st grade at Waterway Elementary school in Little River SC and our school Mascot is a Chief. Ms. Todd is my teacher and I like her a lot. Every month a Chief is chosen

We are only one day away from the end of January and that means the January Ultimate Blog Challenge is over! Where did the month go? Since the month ends on Friday, that means Lia gets to end the challenge with her Friday Story Time by Lia once again. So I’m turning my last blog of the month into Throw Back Thursday from 2016 as a great way to end this challenge month. My very first Ultimate Blog Challenge started in January 2016 and I shared my grandmother’s delicious Chocolate

Since we had the snow and ice storm last week, my yard has be filled with bluebirds and I love capturing pictures of them, I hope you enjoy the pretty bluebirds for Wordless Wednesday. I haven’t used my Nikon camera in so long it was time to pull it out and work on settings. There is also another topic at the end with a few words! Mr. Snowy These would be great for Silly Saturday but January ends on Friday! You may remember my post the other day about Mr.

I like being creative when making meals from previous meals. Lia loves making pasta with cheese sauce but they aren’t a “leftover” meal family so I get to keep the extra. That means I get to revive the leftovers! But what happens when the noodles and cheese don’t have enough liquid to keep them from clumping together in the fridge? This was leftovers and I had to “freshen” them up a bit to stir in the other ingredients I planned to add. I added a teaspoon of butter with a

A few weeks ago I posted a picture with a little story about my neighbor in the hospital. I took Snowball over to cheer her up and that it did! Today I am revealing the Caption the Photo Winner! First I want to thank everyone who suggested a caption, it was fun reading them but like always it’s so hard to decided on a winner! These are the suggestions that were left in the comments” Dog Makes the Best Medicine Angel Kisses Love of a Dog and His Friend Love

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