It’s Friday Story Time by Lia again! Today my story is Good Bye Ruthie! You may remember me writing about my neighbor who I loved to visit and take cookies over. Since the corona virus has been here I haven’t been able to visit Ruthie in months other than wave to her from across the street. I missed being able to visit her so much. GGPapa has always said we don’t say goodbye, it’s see you later. In early April mama and I painted some signs and I stood in

When I think of Color of the Day is Cream for today’s challenge the first thing that comes to my mind is whipped cream on top of ice cream. But actually whipped cream isn’t cream colored so that won’t work for color of the day but I have something much sweeter! Just before Lia was born on August 23, 2018 a dear friend of mine brought over a package for Alexandra. I took it to the hospital the day she was in labor. When Alex opened the package there was

Did you know turquoise can be more blue or more green? Today the color of the day is Turquoise. Turquoise crystal meaning was considered a sacred stone by the Native Americans who used it as a powerful healing tool for creating a connection between heaven and Earth. My hubby has a special bolo tie that he has had for what seems forever. It has a turquoise stone in the center of a sterling silver arrowhead. Lia is modeling GGPapa’s bolo tie along with her handmade Wonder Woman power wrist bands

I like doing time lapse photos of different things. I mostly take pictures of the different stages of roses but it’s fun to take pictures in progress of any project. Today I’m sharing my garden bench time lapse for Wordless Wednesday. This bench was at the landfill ready to be trashed, As the owner was taking it out of his truck I asked if I could have it. I had been looking for an old bench for Lia’s garden and old this was. But that was okay, I just wanted

I’m so excited for today because the color of the day is PINK!!!! Pink is my Great granddaughter’s favorite color, Lia has tons of pink clothes and even little pink shoes. There are different shades of pink from pale pink to bright pink and everything in between. After making Lia’s Garden, GGpapa painted the fence posts on each end of the garden pink to match her little pink chairs and table set. Lia’s Garden Cafe will be open soon for her friends to come visit! We have a beautiful pink

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