It’s Saturday so that means it’s pick your favorite glitter day! Today my Color of the Day is Craft Glitter! Lia loves doing crafts and her favorite embellishment to her creations is adding glitter! This was Lia’s first glitter project! Well since she was only 4 months old for her 1st Christmas she added her smile and mommy added the decorations and glitter! The 1st Christmas ornament had a combinations of pink and purple glitter! For Lia’s 2nd Christmas, she was becoming quite a pro at making crafts. Her Christmas

Lia’s Zucchini Bread was delicious! I have made cakes, cookies, salads and sandwiches but first time for bread. Read how I picked the zucchini and made two loaves of delicious bread for Friday Story Time by Lia. I was so excited to watch the squash grow bigger and bigger in my little vegetable garden. The other day a zucchini was big enough to pick! I tugged and tugged on it but was hard to do with just one hand. I was carrying a popcorn kernel for the birds in my

For today’s challenge, the Color of the Day is Emerald. Emerald green is a bright, vivid shade of green. To get any color green including emerald green it is made by mixing blue and yellow paint. The more blue you add, the darker the shade will be. Many people like Emerald gem stones in their jewelry. As for me I’m not a jewelry person but if I was, I might have an Emerald ring like what is on this slot machine game. Instead of a ring, I’ll just take the

Today the color of the day is Brown. Now for me this is a no brainer! Hubby and I are always working in the yard and planting new things in the gardens. So of course brown has to be the garden soil! This is the new garden that Rich is tilling up. This was the start of our vegetable garden last year, gotta get the green weeds out of the brown soil. Even Lia had to get down and dirty in the dirt. Last year she wiggled her toes in

Today is Wordless Wednesday and the other day we had a rain shower while the sun was out. You probably know that means somewhere over the rainbow there will be a pot of gold. These photographs were taken by both my granddaughter Alexandra with her iPhone 6s and myself with my Google Pixel 2 XL. I know it’s “Wordless Wednesday” but some just need words! I love sharing nature photos for Wordless Wednesday and thanks to Alexandra for sharing her awesome photographs along with mine as we photograph somewhere over

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