The Beauty of a Rose

The Beauty of a Rose




The beauty of a Rose begins with a bud.

When a new day arrives, the changes appear.




The bud slowly opens, soft petals we see.

The color so vibrant, the smell is so sweet.



A Rose in full bloom is a beautiful sight.

With petals like velvet, God’s beauty we see.



This is one of the roses in our garden that blooms over and over from early spring until December. I love how the petals change colors as it is blooming and when in full bloom, the edges look like the rose is hi-lighted with a fine paint brush.  Roses are one of my favorite flowers, what is your favorite?



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Martha DeMeo

I started my blog on Christmas Day 2014 mainly to review products I received. Since then it has evolved into many other categories of lifestyles, family, money saving ideas, low cost, delicious and healthy meals plus other surprise posts. My granddaughter has her own category, Alex's Articles and the latest addition to my blog is my great granddaughter now has her category, Lia's Likings The Baby Blogger! Lia started blogger at 8 months old and she now has a Friday Story Time blog you won't want to miss! I welcome you to join the conversation, ask a question, give a suggestion or leave a comment on any blog post. I hope you enjoy Lia's Likings, she has some great posts that will make you smile!

8 Discussion to this post

  1. Patricia says:

    Beautiful poem and lovely roses.

    • Martha says:

      Thanks Patricia, most of my poems rhymn but I couldn’t come up with the right words for this one. LOL On a side note, I just read your Book Case Declutter project, looks great! I spent the day de-cluttering my desk!

  2. LadyInRead says:

    agree with Patricia.. love the photos and the words.. and love roses too.. photographing them is one of my favorite pastimes as well..

  3. Brenda says:

    roses are my favorite, too

  4. Vicki Maheu says:

    I don’t know if I actually have a favorite flower, I love so many of them. Roses are definitely up there with the top ten though! I also love hibiscus, and hydrangeas, and carnations, and lily’s and orchids… and bottle brush flowers, and Hollyhock, I could go on an on, but you get the idea.

    • Martha says:

      Flowers are so beautiful Vicki, in any variety. I so look forward to spring when all my azalea bushes start to bloom along with the roses. How I remember the Hollyhock we had peaking into our dining room window when I was a young girl, that was one of my grandmother’s favorite! Thanks for visiting!

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