A Bit of Nature
Today is Wordless Wednesday and I’m sharing a bit of nature from around our yard. Lia is so interested in anything that flies, crawls, hops, slithers or inches along! Lia
Today is Wordless Wednesday and I’m sharing a bit of nature from around our yard. Lia is so interested in anything that flies, crawls, hops, slithers or inches along! Lia
For today’s Ultimate Blog Challenge the topic is to post a video and write a short explanation about it. Well of course I’m going on step further and decided to
For today’s blog post for the August Ultimate Blog Challenge I’m using the suggested topic from our host. A great way to teach someone is giving them a step by
It’s been over a year and a half since the Wuhan virus arrived in the United States from China. Its also been called Coronavirus and Covid-19. Whatever you prefer to
Since it’s the beginning of the Ultimate Blog Challenge again, I will be sharing blog tips that I have come across. When I hit a wall and come against a