We Lost The Dog! So we had a scare this morning, we lost the dog! The pup follows us upstairs when it’s bedtime and snuggles in his bed. My hubby gets up about 5:00 AM and I follow a short time later unless I’m working on my earning sites from my pillow. The pup usually comes down with me in the morning but today he didn’t so I assumed he was already downstairs. As we were getting ready to leave for work, Rich asked where to pup was. We both
Re-purpose To Save Money and The Landfill I save everything, thinking I will some day have a use for it. When we purchased our new refrigerator, I took all the drawers and door compartments out before they hauled it away for recycling. At the time I didn’t have use for them, but I stored them in the garage knowing I could use them some where. As I was re-organizing the kitchen pantry, the bins came in very handy. Since the shelves are coated wire, small items always fall through
Organizing Kitchen Drawers Do you kitchen drawers look like this? Do you have a problem trying to keep your silverware and utensils neat in the kitchen drawers? The store bought drawer organizers never seem to fit correctly and I wind up wasting space when I use them. I’m not sure if you would call me frugal, cheap or creative but I don’t like to spend money. I would rather come up with ideas to correct the problem and also save money. Most of the organizers purchased from stores
Visiting With The Angels This is a very short story about Visiting with The Angels back in 2000. While I was at work on March 2000, I became very dizzy. I had been dizzy before but this time something felt different. I was alone in our store as hubby was home recuperating from surgery and I managed to get to the desk and sit down but by now I was about to pass out. After sitting for a bit, I was able to call my chiropractor, thinking a pinched nerve was
GUN CONTROL – The Right To Keep and Bear Arms Back in the 1950’s when I was a child, I can remember how our house doors were never locked and my dad would stop to help anyone stranded along the road. He would bring them to our home to wait for a tow truck and my mom would ask if the stranded person wanted anything to eat or drink. We never worried about them having a gun or them harming anyone. Fast forward 65 years and it seems like every