Valentia Clear Lift Revitalizing Serum Powered by BrandBacker I have used Valentia products previously and the Valentia Clear Love Revitalizing Serum is another superb product. I like the way it hydrates my skin and brings on new texture. I apply only a few pumps of the serum to my face and neck every night and it goes on so smooth, dries quickly and is not sticky. Since I don’t wear makeup, I find this serum helps fill the lines and wrinkles on my face nicely with the lactic acid
Q is for Quite a Few! For the A to Z Challenge I thought I might have problems coming up with a Q word but after thinking about it for a few minutes I realized that Q is for quite a few words! This blog will be a bit different from the others because I’m going to write about a few Q words. So here to the Q!! The first word is QUITE as in Quite a Few words. That’s a fairly simple explanation. Here is a list
AUDIT DAY Last month we received a letter at work from the State Sales Tax division. It was telling us we were being audited and would need all records from 2013, 2014, 2015, and up to February for 2016. Say what?? I have three weeks to find three years of receipts, bank records, bank stubs, invoices paid and received, copies of tax returns, and copies of sales tax returns. We started our decorating business way back before computers where even thought of and I’ve always done my record keeping in
P is for Penguins Since my 19 year old granddaughter loves penguins, I had to problem coming up with P is for Penguins for the A to Z Challenge. I love to watch penguins waddle around in the “tuxedo-like” appearance. Actually their black and white feathers are a form of camouflage to keep them safe when in the water. The penguins have wing-bones but they are more flipper like and perfect for swimming. They can’t fly in the air, but get to where they are going in the water by
Daveliou Paint Tube Holder This paint tube holder is perfect when taking your paints on the go to your next painting location. It has 24 individual paint tube holders for any type of paint whether it be water, acrylic or oil paint. The entire holder has a double edged banding around the edge so no worry about the canvas raveling. There is a small piece of velcro on each side of the bottom edge to seal the cover before rolling it up. I added the paint, attached