HAVE FUN AND EARN WITH PRIZE REBEL I LOVE this earning site, it has such wide variety of ways to earn Gift Cards or PayPal! Why play computer games and not earn anything when you can have fun and earn with Prize Rebel!! Let me explain a little about the site to you. First, all you have to do is sign up here: PRIZE REBEL SIGNUP Once you have signed up with your account information, you are on the way to earning points and collecting all those awesome GIFT CARDS or PAY PAL!!
The Beauty of a Rose The beauty of a Rose begins with a bud. When a new day arrives, the changes appear. The bud slowly opens, soft petals we see. The color so vibrant, the smell is so sweet. A Rose in full bloom is a beautiful sight. With petals like velvet, God’s beauty we see. This is one of the roses in our garden that blooms over and over from early spring until December. I love how the petals change
I Don’t Need Pictures To Remember How far back can you remember things that happened in your life? I’m going through my mind and at almost 68 years old, I can still see things from well over 65 years ago. There are some things that I don’t need pictures to remember since I have them etched in my heart. My dad and I had great times that I can still see. Growing up in a small rural town with my parents, grandparents, my older sister and later on,
Going Down Memory Lane I started to de-clutter and re-organize the house, working on the family room the other day. I am usually one to save everything “just in case”, I may need it at a later time. Well, my “just in case” has ended and I started tossing things out! Hubby and I reorganized the furniture to make the room more functional and I cleaned my family room “couch office”. Everything is finally finding a place, whether it be trash, give away to someone else to hoard
DON’T CLICK THAT LINK! I’m sure you have all received an email from “your bank” or “your credit card” being compromised and the sender will help you correct the problem. But what ever you do, DON’T CLICK THAT LINK! No matter how official the email looks, I never click any links or open anything from the email. I receive emails like this almost daily (or the ones that say they want to send me millions if I just send them my bank account number) and most go