Rocking Chair Memories Did you ever just have an ordinary thing that brought back so many memories? That’s how it is with an old chair my mom had. Every time I go upstairs, it brings back “rocking chair memories”. It’s nothing special, not worth anything monetarily but to me it’s worth so much with all the memories of mom. Mom’s health was failing and she would sit on the porch in her rocking chair and wait for hubby and I to come home from work. After dinner, we held
Delicious Baked Eggplant Boat There is nothing better than going to the garden, picking vegetables and immediately cooking them up for dinner. That’s what I did the other day with our over loaded eggplants. I love Eggplant Parmesan but I didn’t have time to cut them in slices and fry them up. I usually fry up batches of eggplant and freeze them so I can have it fresh throughout the winter. This is my Japanese Eggplant from last year and how I prepare it from the garden to
Menu and Recipes for July 4th HAPPY JULY 4th! Since many people love to celebrate with food, I’m sharing a menu and recipes for July 4th. The baked beans and chocolate cake were handed down from my grandmother and the potato salad was a recipe my mom came up with. So get ready to make a mouth-watering meal! There’s nothing better than homemade Baked Beans and this is a recipe that has been handed down from my grandmother. I love the smell of them while
FREE LAPTOP UPDATE This is a free laptop update to a blog I wrote back in April about an offer posted on Facebook for a free laptop if you signed up to do the case study. Many people took advantage of this but I was very hesitant because of all the personal information that was required to send, including a copy of your driver’s license plus your Gmail login information INCLUDING your password. I wrote a post letting my readers know to make sure they read all the requirements
About My Blog How I Got Started I’m so excited, the Ultimate Blog Challenge for July has begun and I’m happy to say I haven’t missed writing a blog for the month yet! Oh wait, it’s only the second day! LOL But have no fear, when I set me mind to something, I have the NEED to complete it. I’m always up to a challenge and I turn it into my own personal goal to get to the end. But if by chance the brakes are put on, I