TRINOVA STAINLESS STEEL CLEANER & POLISH WORKS GREAT! Walking through the appliance store, the stainless finishes look so great! It reminds me of ice on an ice rink, so smooth, sleek and shiny. BUT once you get your beautiful new stainless appliances home and start using them instead of just looking at them, you notice the finger prints and smudges cover the stainless. No problem, you can just clean it with a spray cleaner. YEEEEKKKK, I tried that but it didn’t even touch the smudges and the ones
One Year Ago Today One year ago today was the day our 20-year-old granddaughter had a long, grueling 12 hour surgery on her tiny body to remove a tumor in her chest that had infiltrated into her spine and was compressing her spinal cord. May 2016 when the tumor was first discovered until surgery on November 2, 2016 were the longest 6 months that you can imagine. Rich and I went to Ohio to be with her for every surgeon appointment, consultations and lived at the hospital during her surgery
Congratulations Ultimate Blog Challenge Members It seems like I was just writing my first post for the October Ultimate Blog Challenge and now I’m writing the last one of the month! I have not only written a blog every day but also enjoyed reading the many blogs from both new and old challenge members. Each have their own style of writing, their own topic ideas and their own way of promoting their blog. I would like to say CONGRATULATIONS ULTIMATE BLOG CHALLENGE MEMBERS on a job well done!
Tuna with Oil or Water I love a good tuna sandwich and I usually purchase tuna with water. The other day I mistakenly picked up ten cans of tuna in oil and didn’t realize it until I returned from shopping. But I also came up with a new way to prepare my tuna. Do you prefer tuna with oil or water and why is either your preference? I use an organza bag like a Nut Milk bag that is used for soaking nuts and put tuna in it. When using
Ninety Days From Now The October Ultimate Blog Challenge is winding down with only three days left! Once again it has been an exciting, fun-filled month not only writing my blogs but reading all the other participants blogs and learning so much from them. It’s now time to map out where I would like to be in 90 days since that is the suggested topic for today. Ninety days from now would take me to the end of January which means I will have had my blog for three years. When