The UBC topic today is write about your favorite song. Since I’ve previously shared my favorites I thought it would be fun to show you Lia’s favorite type of music. (When she’s with mama and pop!) Lia loves Blue Grass and when we’re driving we have the Blue Grass blaring while Lia is in her car seat keeping the beat! CREDIT: YouTube – Lia But she has another favorite of playing the harmonica. When Lia was younger I would play the harmonica then she would take it and hold it

I think there’s a song with a title like this but this isn’t about the song, it’s about our puppy Rusty. Who let the dog out is now a humorous story. Last week, Lia, her mommy and Rich and I went out, we were gone a few hours. When we come home we go in the house through the garage and Alexandra was the first to go on. As I entered the garage I heard her say, “How did you get out?” Rusty is crated when we go out since

Today is Friday Story Time by Lia and you know I love to bake! Mama had three bananas that were perfect for making banana bread so I got my chair ready, grabbed my new apron and chef hat and got busy making banana bread for my Friday baking day by Lia. I’ve made banana bread before and each time I try a different recipe. This recipe called for 2 1/3 cups of bananas but when I mashed them I didn’t have enough. So mama came up with the idea of

We are halfway through the Ultimate Blog Challenge and the topic is to write about a time our business faced adversity. I’m actually going to write an adversity update from a blog I wrote in 2018. When adversity visited us, we had to come up with a plan.  We made the decision to close our retail shop but that doesn’t mean we are “retired”. This is the blog I wrote in October 2018. After we closed our retail shop we opened a new business, Mama’s Minkys where we design

I think this is a first for me, I have nothing to say except I’m sharing a bit of nature on Wordless Wednesday from Vereen Gardens. Peaceful, beautiful, quiet place to see nature at Vereens Gardens.

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