The Day the Music Died
The Day the Music Died February 3, 1959 is a day that many from that era will never forget. On this day Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and J.P. Richardson, known
The Day the Music Died February 3, 1959 is a day that many from that era will never forget. On this day Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and J.P. Richardson, known
January Ultimate Blog Challenge Done! What a another fun challenge month and I can now say January Ultimate Blog Challenge Done! It’s been exciting to reconnect with many
One Roast Into Three Dinners It’s been awhile since I shared my inexpensive but delicious meals and when I saw the great sale that BiLo had on top round roasts,
Simple Elegance The Ultimate Blog Challenge is in the final days! For day 29 the suggested topic is Share a Photo about you, your family, your work or a
The Dynamics of Interracial Relationships Day 28 of the Ultimate Blog Challenge is to search a topic from to share. I’m sure my readers will have both positive and