Why is She So Special

When the baby’s heart rate was too low while her mother’s raced high, an emergency C section was preformed immediately while her husband and parents waited for news. Why is she so special? Maybe it’s because when the nurse came into the waiting room with a precious little bundle, I leaped over the coffee table, grabbed our new granddaughter and held her close. She was perfect in every way and I was the first to hold her while her father was reading a magazine and her mother was in recovery.

She started “working” at our store at six weeks old and immediately found Papa’s shoulder to rest her head and feel secure. The two were inseparable, She was a fixture in our shop until she “retired” at 5 years old to start school. Why is she so special? Maybe because she has always been such a caring little girl since way back when she would sit with classmates who were alone in the cafeteria at school or help them in class.

Seeing her so happy when she visited us, always smiling and feeling safe not tormented as she was at her home,

Even when they moved to Indiana, she was always close. The sweet letters, pictures and “I love you” phone calls never ended. She would check up on Papa and me even 1000 miles away.

Why is she so special? Maybe because her parents cared more about themselves instead of seeing all the love they were missing with her. She has gone through so much heartache, no care or concern or even a phone call from her parents when she had major surgery at 20 years old, but she knew her Mama and Papa were with her the entire time. http://themarthareview.com/finally-time-for-alexandras-surgery/

I think back of all the great memories we have gone through with her in the past 23 year years. The best one was when she moved back “home” with us a few years ago.

Why is she so special? Maybe it’s because we were with her throughout her entire pregnancy and even in the delivery room when our 5th great grand baby was born, something her parents didn’t witness. Seeing the look of love on mommy and daddy’s face when they met their daughter was pure joy. I remember back when she was maybe 11 or 12 years old when my granddaughter told me if she has children she will know how not to raise them.

Now Papa’s shoulder that our granddaughter used when she was growing up is used for our great granddaughter. But it’s still there for our granddaughter also.

My friend once told me how she describes the love for one of her grandchildren to others. You love them all but sometimes you love someone different. That saying is perfect for my granddaughter, there is something special about her with her caring ways and giving without expecting anything back. Yes, that’s a good way to explain the love we have for our 5th grandchild.

Today’s UBC suggested blog topic was to tell a story and how emotional stories can make a big impact on people and true tales can be compelling. My great granddaughter was 5 months old on the January 23rd and my granddaughter wrote the most compelling blog about heartache, abuse and faith and love on that day. It’s a very long blog but if you haven’t read it, it’s very well worth the time. People have told her she should turn it into a book since this would be another way for her to share the love of helping others, something she has been doing since the beginning of her life. http://themarthareview.com/howd-you-pick-that-name/

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Martha DeMeo

I started my blog on Christmas Day 2014 mainly to review products I received. Since then it has evolved into many other categories of lifestyles, family, money saving ideas, low cost, delicious and healthy meals plus other surprise posts. My granddaughter has her own category, Alex's Articles and the latest addition to my blog is my great granddaughter now has her category, Lia's Likings The Baby Blogger! Lia started blogger at 8 months old and she now has a Friday Story Time blog you won't want to miss! I welcome you to join the conversation, ask a question, give a suggestion or leave a comment on any blog post. I hope you enjoy Lia's Likings, she has some great posts that will make you smile!

18 Discussion to this post

  1. Alexandra DeMeo says:

    Love you guys! ❤️

  2. Nita says:

    Love this and my heart breaks for both you and your granddaughter, her for the rough life she’s had, and you for the rough life she’s had because one of her parents is (I assume) your child and knowing that a child of your child hurts is hard. So glad she’s found happiness and is back where she feels unlimited love. I do hope she writes the book. Hugs.

    • Martha says:

      Thanks Nita, it’s been hard but it’s the life her parents chose. I’m just thankful that both my granddaughter and grandson have taken a new path and are doing great now. Lia Faith is her lifesaver and hoping she will write a book. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Doug says:

    Hi Martha,
    It is clear that no two families are the same.
    Thanks for sharing a great example of how love can bridge the cracks that show up in life.
    Maybe Alex will write another post for us explaining why you are special to her.
    Blog on!

    • Martha says:

      When love is lacking from one place, it’s made up from another and with all the love and care that Alex has is easy to love back. Thanks for the blog topic suggestion Doug!

  4. Rich says:

    She is so very special. But also all the love her very special grand ma gives them really helps got to love the 3 of them

  5. Another great share, Martha!!!!
    Tell your granddaughter that I used the same rule to raise my kids. It works (unfortunately…)

  6. Clara says:

    Wow, your great granddaughter looks just like your granddaughter in the picture. The only way I could tell them apart was the fact that your husband looked more mature. It’s a beautiful story. I really enjoyed it.

    • Martha says:

      Lia is Alex’s mini-me clone for sure! Even in their actions there is so many similarities. Even now, 23 years later, Alex still has “papa’s” shoulder. Thanks for visiting, glad you enjoyed the story Clara.

  7. This makes my heart ache and sing at the same time. A beautifully written story and reflection of the love you share with your granddaughter.
    Why is she so special? Another reason maybe is because she has you!
    All my best.

    • Martha says:

      Aww, I didn’t think of that reason Maggie! I am so proud of Alexandra, it shows that behind every storm cloud there is a rainbow. Thanks for visiting.

  8. Lina says:

    Beautiful story! She is special and so lucky to have you both.

  9. Britt says:

    Beautiful post. You can feel how much love you have for both her and her daughter, and it’s so touching.

    • Martha says:

      Alexandra is also so special because of her compassion for others, there is not a mean bone in her body and Lia is following in her footsteps. Thank you for visiting and glad you enjoyed reading the post Britt.

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