Why is Lia So Special

We have made it to the first week of the Cornerstone Content Blog Challenge! Today’s prompt is to share something you love or are passionate about. The something I love is the huge heart my granddaughter has. A few years again I wrote a blog about Alexandra and Why is She So Special. Alex is not celebrating her birthday today because her past ones have been full of heartache. But I told her the good years are ahead and now that she is turning 25 years old she needs to celebrate her life because she has so much to be proud of. Lia was born on August 23, 2018, and she has so many caring qualities as her mommy so today my blog is about Why is Lia So Special.
Lia is not only full of laughter and smiles but she too is full of compassion just like her mommy. From the time she was very young she could sense if someone was in pain. I remember when Lia was only about six months old and papa had a bad headache. She was sitting on pop’s lap and reached her hand up to his forehead, pressing her little fingers against it. I believe Lia’s heavenly twin is guiding her along her path of love and compassion.
Lia is always ready to lend a helping hand. When she sees pop outside, she says, “I gotta go help pop!” and runs outside.
I’ll be sewing and Lia will come over and say, “Mama, are you sewing? Let me help you!”
Whatever we’re doing, Lia has to be right there helping out. Did you ever see anyone unhappy because they can’t do dishes? If there are dishes waiting to be washed, she drags her steps over to get them washed. If we tell her not to do them, she gets so upset.
When our elderly neighbor lived across the street, Lia was always excited to go visit her with a plate of cookies or a basket of goodies.
It was heartbreaking when COVID put a screen across the street and Lia could only wave to Ruthie, not knowing why she couldn’t go visit. We made signs with hearts and Lia would hold them up for Ruthie to see.
It got to where Ruthie had to move to assisted living, we broke the barrier and went over so Lia could say good bye to Ruthie. A year later and the nursing home still has no visitors allowed.
Hoping we can go visit her soon and Lia can take a big plate of cookies to Ruthie! Maybe things will be better by Easter so Lia can make another Easter Basket filled with goodies for Ruthie like she did last year.
Lia loves to make people happy and she always shares her smile. She loves baking and is always sharing containers of her cookies and bread to our friends and neighbors. One day you may say a recipe book called “Just Ask Lia!”
It’s a big surprise to the neighbors because they never know when the doorbell will ring with some goodies from Lia!
Have you heard the saying, “like mother like daughter?” When I see Lia doing caring and compassionate things, I see Alexandra in her because she was and still is the same way.
Alexandra is our 5th grandchild and Lia is our 5th great grandchild. Why is Lia so special and why is Alex so special? Because both are full of love and compassion and do things without expecting anything in return. My husband and I are truly blessed that both Alex and Lia are so loving and full of compassion to everyone.
Lia is a national at Reiki. Reiki is energy healing . You place your hands where the person is hurting and send energy. Some people do it without knowing they are doing it. Lia is such and caring and loving little girl. I would say God gave her the gift to heal.
She has done this more than once Brenda and her face has so much concern when she does it. God sent us an earth angel for sure.
Lia is special because for someone who is not typically a fan of children, she stole my heart- she trains Rusty- the ‘new’ pup, she is always there for papa and mama….and Happy Birthday Alexandria. hope I spelled that correctly there….you are special to have brought Lia into this world who spreads her wings by helping butterflies beautify the world in a time when we need it most….Lia offers help and kindness in the smallest to largest of places and inspires me from afar and one day I hope to meet her in person- who said that?!?!? LOL!
Awww,thanks for the kind words Pamela! Alex and Lia are both very special and the things Lia does now reminds me of her mommy doing them when she was younger. Both are full of love and compassion.
Awww! What a sweet post!! Yes, it sounds like they are both very special, and both a blessing to you. Did you say that Lia is a twin? Or has a twin in heaven? It is wonderful that she loves to help the way she does.
Thank you Jeanine. Lia twin is in heaven watching over her. I do believe she is with her guiding the way.
That it is Alex! ❤️❤️
Such a sweet post.
Thanks Amanda, Lia is so very special as is her mommy also.