Vegetable Picnic Dinner

Vegetable Picnic Dinner


A picnic can be any kind of food, right?  I had my blog topic all planned then I found out it is National Picnic Day today! So for picnic day I’m going to share with you my vegetable picnic dinner that is not only delicious but it is so inexpensive.


I love fresh vegetables and our local grocery store is getting in some great specials.  They had corn on the cob for 18 cents an ear and summer squash for $1.74 per pound.  I still have a bag of peppers in the freezer from our garden last year and had a few onions from last shopping trip.


I sliced the squash, onions and peppers and after adding a few tablespoons of butter, all the vegetables went in the frying pan.  I cook them on high heat and constantly stir and toss around, sprinkling a bit of seasoned salt in. I guess that’s where the name “stir fry” comes from!


While I’m stirring and toss, the corn is boiling in a pot of water. Meanwhile, the kitchen is smell SO good!


My picnic is complete and dinner is served with a rose (from our garden) on the side.   Here is the breakdown of the cost for dinner for the three of us… 5 ears of corn cost 90 cents, there were 8 squash in the bag that cost $3.48 and I cooked 2 of them so that was 87 cents worth.  The peppers were from our garden last year so no cost there and 1 onion from a bag of 10 which was $1.99 for the bag, so add another 19 cents to the cost.  Adding in the butter and season salt would probably be another 20 cents.  For $2.16 we had a super delicious, healthy and low-cost meal.


But wait, what about dessert? How about fresh strawberries topped with whipped topping?  The local fruit stand had strawberries for $4.00 a quart and my oh my, were they so juicy and sweet! Of course I had to get some fresh tomatoes for my BLT for the next day’s meal.  Our dessert cost more than our picnic dinner but for the price of both, it was so inexpensive!  I love shopping for great deals and this was just another great one!


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Martha DeMeo

I started my blog on Christmas Day 2014 mainly to review products I received. Since then it has evolved into many other categories of lifestyles, family, money saving ideas, low cost, delicious and healthy meals plus other surprise posts. My granddaughter has her own category, Alex's Articles and the latest addition to my blog is my great granddaughter now has her category, Lia's Likings The Baby Blogger! Lia started blogger at 8 months old and she now has a Friday Story Time blog you won't want to miss! I welcome you to join the conversation, ask a question, give a suggestion or leave a comment on any blog post. I hope you enjoy Lia's Likings, she has some great posts that will make you smile!

8 Discussion to this post

  1. It all looks so yummy!! I’m ready for that dessert. 🙂

    • Martha says:

      Actually the stir fry and corn filled me up Jeanine! I love this kind of meal, we had to wait for dinner to settle for dessert. Come on down and I’ll make you sone!

  2. You should have added some beef, quinoa, or fish to your stir fry- because we need protein to make a meal.

    • Martha says:

      I suppose I should have Roy but I was too hungry to take the time to open the freezer. LOL I usually add thin slices of beef or chicken to my stir fry. I’ll make up by having salmon tomorrow! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Elaine says:

    This looks super fresh! There’s nothing like sinking your teeth into corn to remind you it’s summer! Thanks for posting!

    • Martha says:

      I’ve been waiting for the day to have fresh corn on the cob again Elaine! I love fresh for the garden vegetables. We are so far behind on ours this year, hoping to get it going next weekend. Thanks for visiting.

  4. Vidya Tiru says:

    those strawberries and cream look so yum.. and i need to start checking on the ‘what day is today’ calendar once again.. (was doing it earlier and adding a note to my dd each day with lunch as a factoid)

    • Martha says:

      What a great idea about lunch Vidya! I’m thinking maybe I’ll do the “National Day” for next challenge! The strawberries were delicious!

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