Costco Trip for Green Beans
Today’s blog topic is sitting on the front porch chatting with friends. Won’t you come join me for coffee, tea or hot chocolate and we can chit-chat. Do you want
Today’s blog topic is sitting on the front porch chatting with friends. Won’t you come join me for coffee, tea or hot chocolate and we can chit-chat. Do you want
Happy Sunday morning to everyone! Today’s suggested topic is as simple as posting a picture! If you can share this picture on your social media, it may even go viral!
Good Saturday morning to all my friends! We are in the home stretch of the October Ultimate Blog Challenge, only ten more days to go! It’s a nice cool morning
Have I got a cool Friday Story Time by Lia today. I’m going to tell you about my fishing trip and the big fish I caught when I was visiting
It’s WORDLESS WEDNESDAY but this is not quite wordless. But it does have some special photographs of Lia pulling the milkweed seeds out of the dried pods. The Monarch butterflies