Leave Me Your Best Tip

This past week my blogs have been about Organizing Tips and More. Sometimes my topics just pop in my head, other times I may be organizing a cupboard, shelf or closet and that’s were my blog ideas from. I like it when I write about organizing because I may be going through it in my head and that pushes me to actually organize the project! This past week, I re-organized my food pantry, some cupboards, the master bath closet and now I’m working on the master bedroom closet. See once I get it in my head to do something, I just keep going!

For today’s blog on Organizing, I’m taking my blogger friend Amanda’s suggestion on a blog she posted a few days ago. I love her idea to have the community share best tips! No she’s not talking about betting tips! LOL I’m asking you to leave your best tip you have used or came up with in the comment section of my blog. I love sharing my tips and ideas and look forward to receiving some from my readers! You never know, it may even give me an idea for another blog to write! This is Amanda’s blog: https://createmeow.com/have-your-community-share-best-tips Thank you Amanda for giving me this idea for a blog!

But since this is my last day for Organizing Tips and More, I have one more small tip to share. When your towels get stained or so thin you can see through them, what do you do with them? Once again I think outside the box and figure how to save a bit of money.

When our towels are no longer usable I cut them to washcloth sized pieces and use for cleaning clothes. These are especially great for cleaning the bathrooms, stove, inside the refrigerator and other messy clean ups. They are also great when cleaning your vehicle or to have on hand when painting. They are better than paper towels, don’t cost anything and once I’m through with my messy clean up, I toss the towel.

I hope you’ve enjoyed my and even Friday Story Time by Lia’s week of Organizing Tips and More and I’m looking forward to reading your best tip in my comments!

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Martha DeMeo

I started my blog on Christmas Day 2014 mainly to review products I received. Since then it has evolved into many other categories of lifestyles, family, money saving ideas, low cost, delicious and healthy meals plus other surprise posts. My granddaughter has her own category, Alex's Articles and the latest addition to my blog is my great granddaughter now has her category, Lia's Likings The Baby Blogger! Lia started blogger at 8 months old and she now has a Friday Story Time blog you won't want to miss! I welcome you to join the conversation, ask a question, give a suggestion or leave a comment on any blog post. I hope you enjoy Lia's Likings, she has some great posts that will make you smile!

16 Discussion to this post

  1. Alice Gerard says:

    Organizing is an area in which I do not shine. In fact, I am getting help with it today. One thing that I’ve already done is to donate a whole bunch of books to the library for the twice annual donated book sale. The Friends of the library holds a twice annual book sale to raise money for special programming for the library. So donating books can benefit you and your library! And it gets stuff out of your house!

    • Martha says:

      That’s a great idea to donate unneeded books Alice! We have a little community library made from a little cabinet not far from us so I drop mine off there. People can drop off, pick up and read and then return if they want.

  2. Dr.Amrita says:

    My best Tip for home organizing is to buy only when you have a place or need for something. I avoid buying when I don’t know where I will keep something

    • Martha says:

      That’s a great tip Amrita! I find that now my pantry is organized and I can see what I have, it saves money because I would buy something I didn’t know I already had stuffed in the back of the pantry!

  3. I found the best way to organize my holiday decor to make it easier to unpack and repack each holiday, with notecards listing all the items in the bin, along with notes of what needs to be purchased (like ornament hooks, etc.) https://angievallejo.com/2023/01/03/revolutionize-your-holiday-storage-and-make-next-year-stress-free/

  4. Nadya says:

    A couple of my favorites
    1) set a timer – 20, 30, 45 minutes are my favorites … then a short break, or keep working a bit longer.
    – with kids, a twist can be to guess how long a task will take, and see if we can ‘beat the timer’ (or set a stopwatch)

    2) Time yourself doing tasks and keep a list of ones that take 5-10 minutes

    3) it can help to have someone working with us. One organizer suggests engaging a ‘body double’ – put on a podcast or YouTube video, or call a friend – (and use bluetooth or speaker) … I call a friend who likes to ‘talk at you’ for this.

    • Martha says:

      Great tips Nadya! I especially like the idea of having kids guess how long a task will take them. Lia always want to beat a race and this would be super for her!

  5. Julie says:

    Organizing your home can seem overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be! My best tip is to start by breaking the task down into smaller, manageable tasks. Start with one room at a time and create decluttering zones within that room, such as closets or under the bed, and tackle them one by one. Make sure to donate or discard unnecessary items as you go so that you don’t build up a pile of clutter and overwhelm yourself. With each area you tackle, you’ll feel more accomplished and less overwhelmed!

    • Martha says:

      I totally agree about breaking down a task into smaller ones. I going room by room right now to downsize and my closets are going to be the first to tackle. Definitely agree with donate or discard immediately, otherwise I would have second thoughts! LOL Thanks for your great tips.

  6. Martha, my top tip is: KISS: Keep It Simple SweetThing! If there is a complicated way to do something, and it will take 2 1/2 hours, there is probably a simpler way to do it that will take 10 minutes. For example: you want to touch up that 2′ x2′ area of your hallway wall? Toss an old towel on the floor, to catch drips, then dip a clean, damp sponge in the paint (which you have stirred if necessary). Touch up that wall area, and you’re done. Wash the sponge or toss it, as you like. Now give yourself a kiss for how fresh that hallway looks. I have a lot of these KISS methods! <3

  7. Sorry, no tips to share. But, I’d love to hear from the others.

  8. My tip is to set small goals everyday and to save your spare change.

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