Photo Week Hike
For my Thursday’s blog post for Photography Week I wrote about the different settings on my Nikon P1000. Since I received my camera last month, I’ve only been using the
For my Thursday’s blog post for Photography Week I wrote about the different settings on my Nikon P1000. Since I received my camera last month, I’ve only been using the
It’s Friday Story Time by Lia plus it’s Photo Week. So I came up with the idea to share my baking day for photography week! One of ma’s Facebook friends
Week two of the Ultimate Blog Challenge for me is Photography Week. When I mentioned to Rich that someday I’d like a “real” camera he told me to check the
Our backyard “blutty.” It’s Photography Week and Wordless Wednesday and I finally got a few great photographs of the bluebirds in our back yard. These were taken with my Nikon
You may have read that this is the week for me to share photography. I had a topic planned about my new Nikon P1000 camera until I read Paul’s suggested