Are We There Yet?
Are We There Yet? I remember when I was young I would always ask my dad, “Are we there yet?” when we would go visiting. The answer was always the
Are We There Yet? I remember when I was young I would always ask my dad, “Are we there yet?” when we would go visiting. The answer was always the
April 2018 Ultimate Blog Challenge What is today you ask? For Christians, we are celebrating Easter, the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. For the Jewish faith, they are celebrating
January Ultimate Blog Challenge Done! What a another fun challenge month and I can now say January Ultimate Blog Challenge Done! It’s been exciting to reconnect with many
New Found Blogging Friends This is the third year I have participated in the Ultimate Blog Challenge and each year I have reconnected with previous challenge bloggers and met
Blogging is Like Baking Analogy – A comparison in which an idea or a thing is compared to another thing that is quite different from it. You may be wondering why