Beef Stir Fry
Sometimes I think my blog should be a foodie blog with all the baking and cooking posts Lia and I share. Today I have yet another recipe I came up
Sometimes I think my blog should be a foodie blog with all the baking and cooking posts Lia and I share. Today I have yet another recipe I came up
We stopped at a roadside stand the other day and purchased a 20 pound bag of local homegrown sweet potatoes for only $10.00. I like shopping local and supporting our
Last year was my first time participating in the 2022 Longest Day Alzheimer’s Fundraiser. I didn’t sign up until May and the season was over the end of August. I
The other day I wrote about my trip to Costco and how I joined Sam’s Club for only $10.00 out of pocket! The membership was $50.00 but my Swagbuck’s earning
Today is Wordless Wednesday and a perfect to do share our fall roses. It seems like our fall weather is full of warm days and sunshine that brought our an