Amber Roll-On Bottles I love these amber colored roll in bottles for when I make perfume from my essential oils. The amber protects the oils from harmful UV light so it won’t break down. There are 7 bottles in the box and being 3 1/2″ high and about 1/2″ diameter, they are the perfect size to carry in my bag. I like the two plastic droppers that come with the set, with the measured marks, I can add the right amount of my oils when mixing the carrier oil.   The

Diagbox Diagnostic  Tool There have been times when the check engine light will come on for a reason I don’t know.  Some times it’s a simple solution like a loose gas cap but other times it can be more serious. Either way, when you have to take your vehicle to a repair garage, it usually costs close to $100 just to get a diagnosis. With the Diagbox Diagnostic Tool, I can easily plug it in to the port right under the steering wheel of my car. It’s easy to use,

Soon To Be Mr. and Mrs. A few months ago my oldest grandson did something I had been hoping for, he proposed to the most beautiful young lady!  You’ll want to read the beginning of  Prince Charming and his Princess  and follow the love of CJ and Achelle as the entire family looks forward to when they are soon to be Mr. and Mrs. There are so many similarities in these two love birds as in my hubby and me.  Both them and us meet on blind dates, (ours was almost 51 years

CADES COVE Wordless Wednesday Tucked away in the the Great Smoky National Park is Cades Cove where it takes you back in time.   Travel the 11 mile loop to view the historic buildings, the beautiful scenery and even see some wildlife. The views are awesome! If you are in Cherokee, North Carolina or Gatlinburg, Tennessee area, you won’t want to miss taking a trip back to the 1800’s. CLICK TO LEARN MORE ABOUT CADES COVE

FRUGAL OR CHEAP I was trying to decide if I’m frugal or cheap when I plan my meals so I looked up the actual definitions and I came to the conclusion that I’m actually both.  I am very economical on my shopping and I love to save the best I can.  But I also like to look for low prices, but not low quality.  So while I’m a little of both, I actually think I’m more frugal than cheap. Frugal | Define Frugal at Frugal definition, economical in use or

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