WORDLESS WEDNESDAY – Great Grandbabies There is nothing better than having grandchildren, or is there? Just wait until the GREAT grandchildren arrive!! Hubby and I have 7 wonderful grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren with the 4th on the way any day! Love them all so much!
Magic Drawing Tablet This magic drawing tablet is something that little ones will have fun with, keep busy on outings and no worry about batteries or charging since it’s runs on hand power. The approximately 5″ x 7″ drawing surface magically turns into multi colored pictures when little ones start drawing with the pen that is attached with a soft cord. When not in use, the pen clips into the side securely and with the carry handle, it’s easy for little ones to carry their magic tablet
Febreze and Swiffer Giveaway Ends Sept. 29. 2016 8PM EST Two of my FAVORITE products to use around the house. Enter this Fabreze and Swiffer Giveway!! Entry-Form
Teens That Want to Grow Up Too Fast I see and read about so many teens that say, “I can’t wait until I’m older” or “I can’t wait until I’m on my own”. I don’t know whether it is peer pressure from other teens or they just want to grow up quick. Some see their friends having babies and they want their own. While some would make great parents, there are some that may not be ready after the baby arrives. I read a post on Facebook that
Three Compartment Food Containers Whether you have dinner left-overs or you make sandwiches, these three compartment food containers are perfect for making lunches for work or school. They are also perfect to make up individual meals from left-overs and put in the freezer for having on busy nights. I like to make crock pot meals on weekends and these Bentibo box containers are perfect for making up meals to have on the go or when running late. Each container has three compartments and a clear lid that