Last Teenage Grandchild They say the older you get, the time goes by quicker and since hubby and I are in the “older” category, time seems to fly by.   We have seven grandchildren, the oldest almost 29 years old and the youngest one is our last teenage grandchild.     Today our youngest granddaughter turned 13 years old. Yes, she has hit the teenage years but she will still by the “baby”.   Before she started school, she “worked” with us in our shop and she would toddle around

  Down Alternative Hypoallergenic Bed Pillows     I like a pillow that has enough fill to be comfortable but also one that holds its shape.   These down alternative hypoallergenic bed pillows have 100% polyester micro fiber that is  comfortable when sleeping.   The fiber is a down alternative and springs back up when I raise my head and it’s also comfortable for my neck. The one thing I look for in a pillow is whether the corners have batting in them.  Many pillows have a clump of batting

When a Song Sticks in Your Head What makes a song get stuck in your head?  Is it something your hear or see or does a song you like just pop up?  Today’s suggested topic for the Ultimate Blog Challenge is to share a song lyric or phrase and why it is important.   For me, there is no song that is especially important but there are two that pop up often.   My hubby has the most beautiful roses and when in bloom, he will have one on the

Before Hurricane Matthew Hit South Carolina Hurricane Matthew was making his way up the eastern coast and he wibble wabbled his track as he approached Florida.  The forecast tracks had it coming up to Georgia/South Carolina border and then making an abrupt right turn out to sea. We listened to the news briefing from our South Carolina Governor and she advised residents to be ready for evacuation.  We have never evacuated but this time hubby and I decided to head west to check out the changing of the leaves before Hurricane

Question Time Ask Away I’m chipping away on the Ultimate Blog Challenge and today’s suggestion from the host is a fun one, it’s question time ask away.   Last night was the second Presidential Candidates Debate and the two candidates of the major parties debated each other and addressed the issues and questions in a town hall format They even allowed questions from the audience as well as via Social Media. So for the Ultimate Blog Challenge today, I’m asking my readers to ask a question in the comment section and

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