Head Lice – Home Remedies That Work Since you never know when your child will bring home from the dreaded note from school about someone in their class having head lice, I found this article about Head Lice – Home Remedies That Work very interesting and wanted to share it with you.  I like using natural products and especially for children,, we need to keep chemicals away from them as much as we can. I also love using essential oils and this article has some great information and a few

Alexandra’s Two Month Surgery Follow-Up It seemed like we waited forever when our 20-year-old granddaughter was first diagnosed with a tumor in May 2016.  After tests and more tests, the results showed the tumor in her chest cavity had infiltrated into her spine and finally surgery was scheduled for November 2, 2016.  This is the blog I wrote about her two delicate surgeries back to back that lasted 12 hours. Alexandra’s Surgery. Alexandra’s two month surgery follow-up was January 3, 2017 and hubby and I went to Ohio to be with her,

Heartbreaking Story About a Three Year Old         While watching the news, there was a heartbreaking story about a three-year old that some how found a hand gun in the house and shot himself.  He died in the arms of his mother, on the way to the hospital.   I can only imagine the pain the family is going through and while it was an accident, it could have been prevented. Many families have hand guns in their homes for protection but guns should be locked and stored

January 2017 Ultimate Blog Challenge Stats     As the saying goes, the party’s over!  Or is it? Just because the January challenge is over, that doesn’t mean you have to close your computer and wait until the next challenge.  Once the blog bug hits, it’s never over! I started doing this challenge in January 2016 and completed all four quarters, writing at least one blog per day. I have compared my views and comments on each challenge and watched the numbers rise from January, April, July and October.  It’s

I’m going to give you a BEAR HUG! – Children’s Book Give-Away   CONGRATULATIONS to Sarah P. for being the winner of this contest.  Thank you all that read, commented and entered this give away! ENTER BELOW FOR A CHANCE TO WIN YOUR OWN COPY OF THIS BOOK! Contest ends February 11, 2017 at 12:00AM   What a great book, full of all kinds of hugs! Each page is brightly colored and illustrated to keep the kiddos imagination going.   Whether it’s a bear hug, a horse hug, a dog hug,

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