THURSDAY TREE LOVE 18 I’m so glad I came across this weekly tree share blog. I am enjoying seeing the photos from others plus sharing mine. Some of the trees are unique, some have a story, while others have a special meaning to others. I’m excited to tell you about my Thursday Tree Love 18 for this week. Last August, hubby and I drove from South Carolina to Vermont for our oldest grandson’s wedding. We stopped at the Bennington Vermont Welcome Center and the view for the back of
KNOT WORDLESS WEDNESDAY Is it not? No, it’s KNOT!! I love taking photos of nature, wildlife and anything outdoors. For Knot Wordless Wednesday, I’m sharing some of my favorite knots with you. These are two of my favorite tree knots, they are from the 400 year old Live Oak tree we recently visited near Charleston, South Carolina. If you missed my blog about the majestic Angel Tree, here is the link: While driving through the Great Smoky Mountains National Forest, I snapped this
INTROVERTED or EXTROVERTED “Introvert”. “Extrovert”. You’ve undoubtedly heard both of these terms at least a handful of times throughout your life. The former usually brings to mind words like “shy”, “reserved”, “socially anxious/awkward”, sometimes even “antisocial”. The latter however usually brings to mind words like “outgoing”, “social”, “friendly”, and “expressive”. But what do these words actually mean, and what does it mean to be introverted or extroverted? “Introvert” literally just means “someone who is energized or ‘recharged’ by spending time alone”. Unfortunately, the word tends to carry a negative
MOUTH WATERING STIR FRY MEAL Are you hungry for a quick, easy, delicious and inexpensive dinner? I picked up a package of thin sliced top round for stir fry, it was a little over a pound and cost $6.37. I added an onion, a pepper from our garden and some baby carrots. That’s all the ingredients needed for my mouth-watering stir fry meal. I added some olive oil to my wok and while it was heating up, I sliced the onion, pepper and carrots. Once cut
My Favorite Song is Very Special WOW, seems like the Ultimate Blog Challenge just started and now I’m half way through the month. There are two suggested topics for today, one is a favorite song and the other is a motto you live by. Since I couldn’t decide one just one, I’m sharing both. I have a few favorite songs but my all time favorite is the song that was played at hubby’s and my wedding 50 years ago. I have also enjoyed hearing Ave