DON’T TRUST FRIENDS!!   So did I get your attention? I hope so because with all the scams, hacks, or hoaxes going around on Face Book, DON’T TRUST FRIENDS messages when you get one, especially with a link that they want you to open.   It seems like some people feel the need to hack into someone’s profile and they send a FB Message that shows up as being sent from your friend, complete with their profile picture. It will have a message that says something like “Hey, check out

SHOPPING WITH COUPONS ADVICE For day 5 of the Ultimate Blog Challenge, I am going to use the suggested topic because it fits so well with what I planned to write about.  The topic is to write about a subject or activity you have a lot of knowledge about and share the #1 best tip to someone new to the subject.   Since I just completed a shopping trip that was over $86.00 but it only cost me $3.51 out of pocket, my #1 tip, Shopping with Coupons Advice seemed perfect to write

  FOUR BLOGGING TIPS Today is day 4 of the Ultimate Blog Challenge and the suggested topic is to write about things that come in fours.  What I’m writing about isn’t actually what comes in fours but it’s Four Blogging Tips that come in very handy for me and hopefully some of the newbies may find them handy also.  Since I have WordPress, these directions for the tips I’m writing about may be different for other blogs.   The first tip is to OPEN A LINK IN A NEW WINDOW. 

WHO DO YOU ADMIRE AND WHY As we enter day 3 of the Ultimate Blog Challenge, I decided to use the suggested daily topic to write my blog about today.  The topic is Who Do You Admire and Why.  They suggest to pick a friend, family member, colleague, or business partner and write a blog post about the quality you most admire in them.  This was a super easy topic as I am going to blog about a person that is all these people wrapped up in one.   A

More Cool Money Challenges The beginning of the year is a good time to start saving money and I love participating in the different money challenges. Today I’m going to show you a few more cool money challenges.  I have done the 52 week dollar money challenge and the 365 day penny challenge for a few years and love having a good bank roll at the end of the year.  When I do a challenge I like to start in the reverse so I put the higher amount in my

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