Last week pop and ma took me to Alligator Adventure and today we went to Huntington Beach SC State Park for Wordless Wednesday. We’re going on a few staycations while mommy is visiting her brother and sister in Indiana. She sure is missing some good times!

I hope you enjoyed the tour of Huntington Beach SC State Park for Wordless Wednesday! Our trip got cut short when a thunder and lightening storm came through from the the tropical storm Elsa. We will be going back soon! Ma will be writing about the great deal she got on the South Carolina State Parks annual pass soon!

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6 Discussion to this post

  1. That top picture of the bridge looks like it’s on a wave!

  2. Hi Martha and Lia, Hunting Beach, SC looks like a lovely place to visit where you can hike, learn about the nature and wildlife, and play on the equipment. How cool you got to see another gator at this park. I love Lia’s pink tutu! Thank you for sharing. Sending lots of love and gratitude. Jaime

    • Martha says:

      I’m so excited that you got me looking into parks after reading all your National park blogs Jaime! Looking forward to visiting the 74 SC state parks!

  3. Amanda Gene says:

    Looks like you had a nice day.

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