I have a fun Friday Story Time by Lia to share with you today! Pop, ma and I spent a day at Alligator Adventure and was it fun! We got there right at 9:00AM when they opened and I saw so many alligators, crocodiles birds and more!

There were baby alligators and big alligators! Look at all the sharp teeth this alligator has!

Have you ever seen a white alligator? When I first saw him I thought it was just a pretend alligator because he was so still. But then he slowly crawled out of the water. White ones are called albino alligators and this one is very long.

Reptile Show

Look at the long snake that the man showed us. It has rainbow skin and when the sun hits it, the snake’s skin turns rainbow colors! Then he showed up a BIG turtle that was about 50 years old! This is an Alligator Snapping Turtle and look at his teeth, they are so big and scary.

The last reptile in the show was an alligator and the instructor showed everyone how he could get one out of the water with just his hands. He grabbed his tail then pulled the alligator on the stage. After he carefully taped his mouth so he wouldn’t bite anyone so he could walk around and everyone could see the alligator up close.

When the show was over I got to have my picture taken with the alligator!

Look at all these alligators, I watched them slide into the water and then walk up the ramp to sit in the sun again. I turned around and told pop I wanted to pet one!

After the show we went to the reptile building and saw a Fly River Turtle and so many BIG snakes! One snake was a green tree python and another was a green anaconda.

It was fun watchin the reptile show and visiting the reptile building but now it was time to see the alligators eat lunch. They sure where hungry! They were eating chicken!!

Good thing there was a snack bar close by! Pop brought my juice but I drank that all up and I was still thirsty. Look at this big cup of fruit punch ma got me! But I shared it! I like drinking out of a big cup now and I’m very careful!

After our refreshing juice, it was time to move on to see more exhibits. I have never seen such pretty birds and look how big they are! I wonder what the two are talking about. Did you ever see an Ostrich, they have such long necks. This one walked right over to the fence to say hi to me.

I have never seen a flamingo except in pictures, they are beautiful! Just look at all of the flamingos, they are so pretty and have such long legs! How can they stand up on just one leg? I’m going to try that too! Look at me, I’m standing like a flamingo!

I couldn’t pet a real alligator but look at this statue that I sat on! It’s the same size as a real one and look at his pretend teeth! Then I even got to sit on a turtle! I had such a fun day at Alligator Adventure.

It was time to go get lunch but first I had to take a trip through the gift shop. Look at the alligator puppet I got and it even has a squeaker inside. When pop was buckling me in my car seat, the alligator puppet bite his nose! I had so much fun with pop and ma yesterday and I learned about so many animals and reptiles!

If you are ever in the Myrtle Beach South Carolina area, you might want to visit Alligator Adventure! You can also so bobcats, lions, hyenas and lots more interesting animals!

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8 Discussion to this post

  1. Whoa! That’s a lot of alligators!

  2. Brenda Fluharty says:

    Wow, that looks like a lot of fun. When my son was little, when feed the alligators at the zoo. They liked chicken, too.

  3. Jaime says:

    Geez, what a fun place to explore! I loved seeing gators in Florida and holding them in Louisiana. I bet that was an experience to remember! I love the puppet gator, much more cute and cuddly than the real ones. Thank you for sharing. Sending lots of love and gratitude. Jaime.

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