WAIT, ANOTHER CHALLENGE??? Yes, my little friend Charlie and his mom who is my blogger friend have come up with another blog challenge for his homeschooling studies! Charlie says, “When you’re asked to come up with a challenge you think about who you want to participate.” His mom who writes The Mommies Reviews said that the first person Charlie mentioned was Lia as she does Lia’s Friday Storytime and loves Eggs! The A to Z Food and Garden Challenge for August is their latest challenge and they invite the children in your lives to participate and let’s get to cooking. So without further ado let’s begin the A to Z Food Challenge with the letter A!

Lia loves apples and that’s the first A word that came to mind as she reached for an apple slice. I slice the apple and put the slices in a baggie then sprinkle a few drops of lemon juice on them. Zip the bag, shake it slightly to cover them with the lemon juice and they don’t get brown!

But what if your traveling and don’t want to have to carry apples with you? Grab a bag of freeze dried apples for you or your child’s apple fix! The are delicious and no mess.

A favorite of mine and Lia’s are apple slices dipped in caramel. For a variation try them dipped in chocolate or peanut butter! How about a dish of cut up apples sprinkled with cinnamon or drizzled with honey?

There is nothing more fun than to visit an Apple Farm during apple picking season. They have such a variety of apples and you can purchase one or two apples, a bag or even bushel to take home to make pies, apple crisp, candied apples or just one to bite into! But wait, they even have apple cider donuts!

The A to Z Food Challenge is a great way to get children into the kitchen or garden each day and coming up with some of their favorite foods. Lia and I are excited to see what foods we can come up with from A to Z. What is you favorite food that begins with the letter A?

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Martha DeMeo

I started my blog on Christmas Day 2014 mainly to review products I received. Since then it has evolved into many other categories of lifestyles, family, money saving ideas, low cost, delicious and healthy meals plus other surprise posts. My granddaughter has her own category, Alex's Articles and the latest addition to my blog is my great granddaughter now has her category, Lia's Likings The Baby Blogger! Lia started blogger at 8 months old and she now has a Friday Story Time blog you won't want to miss! I welcome you to join the conversation, ask a question, give a suggestion or leave a comment on any blog post. I hope you enjoy Lia's Likings, she has some great posts that will make you smile!

14 Discussion to this post

  1. Chef William says:

    Apples are a great food choice. Being from northern California I would pick up the apples that had fallen from the trees in the apple orchard my house and take them home where my foster parents would make apple butter and apple cider. To this day I really enjoy a glass of fresh apple cider. I do not purchase apple butter from a grocery store but if I happen to past a farmers stand I always stop to see if they have honey or homemade apple butter. A great choice to start the challenge. Now children living with us so I will just enjoy the challenge by reading about it.

  2. I like apple slices! I’ve never dried the dried apple ones, though. Hope you and Lia have fun with this challenge.

  3. Glenda Cates says:

    Good morning, we shared Apple Pie but I also love the Applesauce my grandmother used to make from the Apples we would pick off her tree. Do you like Applesause?

  4. Brenda Fluharty says:

    What a wonderful idea Martha. I hope you and Lia have fun with your new challenge.

  5. Brenda Fluharty says:

    What a wonderful idea Martha. I hope you and Lia have fun with your new challenge.

  6. I’ll stick with unadulterated apples! They are just perfect!

    • Martha says:

      Yes there’s nothing better than biting into an apple Roy. The thing about the dried ones when traveling, Lia doesn’t get juicy fingers.

  7. Amanda Gene says:

    I love baked apples.

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