Yellow Butterflies


For the past few weeks, I have seen yellow butterflies softly fluttering around our backyard, going from one flowering bush to another.  They always seem to come around in the late afternoon and stay for a few hours.  I decided to look up the meaning of the yellow butterfly and this is what I found. There are many different myths, symbolisms, legends and folklore about the yellow butterfly, you can believe which ever you feel.

The yellow butterfly symbolizes hope and guidance.  It was the symbol of the soul in early Christianity. It also means the soul is at peace when flying near the departed and in the Native American culture the butterfly is a valued symbol which brings guidance and a sign of hope.  But in other cultures, it can be a negative symbol.  In the Old World, the butterfly was associated with the dead.  I like to think of it more for hope and guidance.

If you see a flying yellow butterfly, that’s a symbolize of a sunny and bright summer.  It also represents joy and creativity.  When you have a yellow butterfly flying around you, it brings happiness and prosperity.  It also means that something fun and exciting is on its way.

Irish folklore believes that the yellow butterflies show that the departed souls of our loved ones are resting peacefully in their after life.

It’s also been said that if you whisper a message to a butterfly, it will carry it to your loved ones.  Every time I see one, I say, “I love you” and watch the butterfly take my message to heaven.

The Chinese say a yellow butterfly is love and it represents the passion inside the hearts of two people in love.

Another meaning has been the yellow butterfly represents a long life span with good health, fortune and honest prosperity.

Gold is a shade of yellow and yellow butterflies indicate riches and wealth.

In Scotland and Ireland it’s said that the yellow butterfly represents something good. It is also believed that a yellow butterfly around a deceased persons resting place means the soul is in a good place in heaven.

There are so many different meanings, depending on what you read.  As for me, I will believe the yellow butterfly is a sign of hope, guidance and happiness.  I will also believe the souls of my love ones are resting peacefully and letting me know with the yellow butterflies visiting our yard.

But there is one more thing about the yellow butterfly, if a yellow butterfly lands on you, it means a big, positive change is coming soon.  The other day as I was trying to photograph the quick fluttering butterflies, one flew right to me and landed on my shoulder. It quickly flew back to the flowers so I’m taking that as my mom letting me know she is watching over us as we wait for a positive change to come.

It was hard to photograph the butterflies, the hardly ever sit still. While I was out trying to capture at least a few photographs, I had another beautiful sighting of a cardinal. I always see many cardinals in our backyard and those are a symbol that a loved one is near and they come to bring cheer.  My mom loved cardinals and I know this is her way of letting us know that love never dies.

What are you thoughts when you see something over and over again?    Do you believe in any of these myths or symbols?  Have you had a yellow butterfly stop by for a visit?

Martha DeMeo

I started my blog on Christmas Day 2014 mainly to review products I received. Since then it has evolved into many other categories of lifestyles, family, money saving ideas, low cost, delicious and healthy meals plus other surprise posts. My granddaughter has her own category, Alex's Articles and the latest addition to my blog is my great granddaughter now has her category, Lia's Likings The Baby Blogger! Lia started blogger at 8 months old and she now has a Friday Story Time blog you won't want to miss! I welcome you to join the conversation, ask a question, give a suggestion or leave a comment on any blog post. I hope you enjoy Lia's Likings, she has some great posts that will make you smile!

94 Discussion to this post

  1. I have been seeing many white butterflies.

    • Martha says:

      I just searched white butterflies Brenda and one says white butterflies symbolize the souls of departed loved ones. Maybe your loved ones are letting you know everything is okay and they are watching over you. Thanks for visiting.

      • chat harris says:

        I have a dream a Big yellow Butterfly came to my shoulder, I was thinking My son who passed away last July,2019 he visit me in y dream.

  2. Alana says:

    I never heard of these “myths”. Interestingly, on the drive from upstate New York to Columbia, SC to see the total eclipse, I saw yellow butterflies several times (due to traffic jams, we took back roads through portions of Virginia). I hope it will be a lucky thing for me.

    • Martha says:

      I like to research when things happen or I see something over and over just to see if there is a special meaning. I’m sure many are just myths but I like to think it was my loved ones stopped by and things will be lucky too. You were only a few hours from me Alana when you went to Columbia! Hope you enjoyed the eclipse!

  3. These are new to me…I’ve had a huge yellow Tiger Swallowtail alight on my arm. What it meant is that they like salt and will slurp up sweat. Butterflies taste with the soles of their feet, and in the case of Tiger Swallowtails you want to wash your arm without thinking too much about where else their feet may have been.

    Hey, at least I waited a week to be the party pooper…

    • Martha says:

      That’s very interesting Priscilla. I like searching for symbols and myths of different things. Some may be just that, a myth while others may be true. I guess we will never know for sure since the butterfly can’t talk. Thanks for visiting and I’ll be sure to wash my arm if a butterfly stops by!

  4. Elvis Cosmos says:

    Martha , is there anything you post that doesn’t keep me inspired. I need to change the lens through which I see things. I see an ordinary yellow butterfly while you are seeing symbolic messages of long life and true love. Indeed , he that has knowledge has power. You are a strong lady.
    Thanks for the great post.

    • Martha says:

      Aww, such sweet comments Elvis. My glass is always half full and I try to stay positive even on gray days. When I see the butterflies and cardinals I know my mom is guiding my from heaven. Thanks for stopping by and glad I help keep you inspired.

  5. Mary J says:

    I never really paid attention to yellow butterfly until last year after my last brother went home to be with the Lord in June I begin to encounter a yellow butterfly fluttering around my home. Even when I was out shopping I would encounter a beautiful yellow butterfly. Even when I would be in my prayer room,one would fly around my window on the second floor. And this went on for many months. Even close to the winter months. This year I didn’t see as many until lately this month I was saw this butterfly that allow me to take many pictures so close up and it didn’t move. For at least twenty minutes it stayed in front of my home fluttering and landing all around. I asked God what was He telling me. It was a amazing joy of God’s amazing beauty. Just awesome. Waiting on God’s revelations. It did give me a true sense of peace and comfort. This day will always be remembered. It was the closest I have encountered with a beautiful yellow butterfly. Thank you for your encouraged information. It encouraged by the Grace of God. Mary J.

    • Martha says:

      What a beautiful way to have a love one let us know they are thinking of us and watching over. I know some don’t believe in some of these encounters, but I don’t have any other explanation other than my mom letting me know she is watching over her family. Our yard is loaded with yellow butterflies as well as cardinals. I love them both and God knows the exact time to have mom send them down. You brother is still with you through the butterflies Mary. Thanks for sharing your story.

  6. Lena says:

    My brother passed away in 2002 & his death affected my Mom so greatly that we feared for her health. Thank God she is coping now & ever since he passed away, when she goes outside it seems that she always has the same big beautiful yellow butterfly that flutters around her, sometimes so close that it actually touches her. The 17th was 15 yrs since my brother passed away & she was having a particularly hard & emotional day. I also had an aunt pass away very recently & a family member posted the day she passed away that her yard was full of yellow butterflies & that there was something very soothing about this. With my Mom so heartbroken, I decided to look up the meaning of a yellow butterfly & saw your article. This is beautiful & was very inspiring & touching for myself, my mom, & the close family members of my aunt’s, as I tagged all her children & grandchildren to read. My stepfather passed away in 2013 & almost immediately after he passed we started seeing a beautiful red cardinal which stayed in the tree next to Mom’s carport. She told me that she had heard somewhere, that a red cardinal was also supposed to be the soul of a loved one or a sign from a loved one who has passed away. I have to admit, I was so pleasantly surprised as I read this. I know that I not only speak for myself, but also for my family, when I say, thank you for this beautiful, comforting & inspiring post which has given us hope, true or not. We chose to believe that they are symbols hope, love, & faith & the souls of our loved ones letting us know that they’re with us & at peace. May God bless you & your family.

    • Martha says:

      I’m so sorry about your brother’s passing and I can only imagine the heartache you mom is still going through. I glad my post was a way to offer a bit of comfort to you and your family. I truly believe the yellow butterfly and the cardinal are signs from our loved ones. As I’m replying, I’m watching the yellow butterflies flutter around our back yard. I know my mom is still with me even though I can’t see her. Hugs to you and your family Lena.

  7. Jo says:

    On November 17, our grandson would have been ten years old. We lost him and our four year old granddaughter tragically on July 13, 2017. While visiting his gravesite, I was blessed to see not one, but two, yellow butterflies. I do believe in messengers from Heaven. Such visits from nature’s gifts have helped me to find a sense of peace during
    these times of incapacitating grief. The cardinals and butterflies continued to show up at both of the children’s
    gravesites. What blessing are given to us, if we only open our eyes and our souls🙏🏻 Thank for your comforting words!

    • Martha says:

      I can’t imagine the pain and heartache you have gone through Jo. I’m so glad this was post able to offer you a bit of comfort and how blessed indeed you were to see the two butterflies! I have always believed in messengers from Heaven but lately it seems like they are showing up in abundance. God has two beautiful Angels and they are watching over you. Hugs and prayers to you.

  8. rocky says:

    hi.from ph..3 days after the death of my mom yellow butterfly seen around at home,,other people says it was my mom spirit..after it was burried i went to visit my wife away from our home travel by sea…then it then the same yellow butterfly keep flying around 1 am manila time…flying then rest on my thinking it was my mom following me..since it was only 30 day from her death..what does it means? i fell so nervous i dont know why..?

    • Martha says:

      I have heard that the yellow butterfly brings the spirit of our loved ones and gives us comfort knowing that they are okay. I’m sorry about your mom but hope the yellow butterfly you see will bring you peace knowing that she is watching over you from above. Thanks for visiting Rocky.

  9. Rosemarie says:

    Hi last few days i undergo deeper problem because i failed my compre exam and not sure to graduate my profession that why 5: 00 am in the morning i pray to the lord , lord if ever i did graduate plss cant i take a rest i am very down i dont know what i going to do i cry and cry and after i pray i set . Then the yellow butterfly landing my face . And what is the meaning of this..

    • Martha says:

      Wow Rosemarie, that could have been a sign from a loved one letting you know to not stress and let God handle things. I hope you can take another exam and get on with your profession. Thanks for stopping by.

  10. Jennifer says:

    I lost my Dad on Aug 7th. 2017. As my family sat with my Dad throughout his last day here on earth with us, we kept noticing yeellow butterflies outside his window and the window in the waiting area where we would take a moment alone. The whole evening it was raining lightly. They evening it became heavier but at that time when the sun was setting, I looked up and there were over 25 butterflies fluttering outside his window, he was on the 8th floor of the hospital. I truly believe that they’re a sign that he was about to take on his transformation into his after life in Heaven. For weeks after every time I caught myself crying and wanting to know why, a yellow butterfly would show up…my father’s illness came out of nowhere and took us all by surprise especially my mother. We found my mom a home just houses away from mine and the day that she decided that was the place that she needed to be, we were in what would be here master bedroom. I looked her and said Mom turn around. At the very moment a yellow butterfly was fluttering just outside the window. She was at peace with her decision and knew that Dad had given his blessing.

    • Martha says:

      I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of your dad but thank you so much for sharing your wonderful encounter with the butterflies. I truly believe that they are a sign from our loved ones and for you mom to see one in her new home, is so extra special. You dad is now at peace but will always be looking down and guiding his family. Hugs to you and your mom, Jennifer.

  11. snehal joshi says:

    A beautiful post! I should tell me 7 year old about Yellow Butterflies. She is a lover of butterflies and will find it very interesting. Loved your backyard and the flowers. Martha, you are absolutely blessed.

    • Martha says:

      Thanks snehal, I hope your 7 year old is excited to learn more about them. I love watching our butterflies and birds, we’re waiting for all the flowers to bloom soon! Looking forward to following your blog, I love this challenge!

  12. PHYLLIS says:


    • Martha says:

      So sorry about your husband passing but how great that you could feel his presence with the butterfly!! As I am replying to you, I’m watching a beautiful butterfly in our backyard. It has to by my mom sending down her love. Thank you for sharing your story Phyllis and thanks for stopping by.

  13. Justine Crawford says:

    I have seen yellow butterflies since my puppy died on July 24th 2018. I was driving to Sedona az and I seen them land on my car and no one else’s around. And then today as I was driving home I was thinking about my puppy and I seen more yellow butterflies. Can some one explain I don’t want to seem crazy but I feel like it’s him telling me he’s okay.

    • Martha says:

      So sorry to hear about your puppy passing Justine, I think you are right, your pup is letting you know he’s fine and in no pain. Our 16 year old poodle died the beginning of August and I too have seen many butterflies in the yard. Both pups are running through the heavens, waiting for when we are united once again. Thanks for stopping by.

  14. Lisa says:

    I lost my dad in January of this year and then lost my step mom just this week. Yesterday after her funeral we were at the church and I was talking with a dear friend when I saw 2 yellow butterflies flying by the window of the door to the church fellowship hall. The friend also saw the butterflies. When I opened the door to snap a pic of them they were gone. I feel a sense of peace come over me and felt it was my dad and step mom letting me know they are ok.

    • Martha says:

      Lisa, I’m so sorry about you losing your dad and step mom but I believe in things and the yellow butterflies is one that has brought me so much comfort knowing they are sending messages from heaven and I can send them back to my mom and dad through the butterfly. I’m so glad you had a sense of peace when you saw them, you dad and step mom will always be watching over you. Hugs to you.

  15. Vicki Murray says:

    All my life I’ve heard that the first sighting of a yellow butterfly represents that in 6 weeks the first frost or cold snap would happen. I’m 62 and this symbolism has proven pretty darn true.

    • Martha says:

      That’s interesting Vicki, it seems there are many representations of the butterfly. I live in the south and see yellow butterflies all spring and summer. Thanks for visiting!

  16. Tami says:

    My daughter got married this past Sunday and a yellow butterfly flew in the chapel and fluttered over them during the ceremony. I didn’t see it And neither did they because it was up higher but everyone in the chapel came up to me afterwards and said did you see that yellow butterfly?Her daddy passed away six and half years ago. I can’t wait to share all the things you wrote above. I pray it was a sign that his soul is peaceful and card sent to sign to let us know he was there somehow

    • Martha says:

      OMG Tami, your comment brought tears to my eyes, knowing that your daughter’s dad was with her on such a special occasion. I do believe in things like this and there have been times I’ll be “talking” to my mom in heaven and either a yellow butterfly or a red cardinal will appear within minutes. Wishing your daughter much happiness and the making of many wonderful memories in the years ahead. Hugs to you and her.

  17. Sandra says:

    Thank you for this article. Everything in my life has been going wrong. Coincidently, this morning I saw 2 butterflies flying so close to me. I believe they are my late parents. Thank you

    • Martha says:

      Sandra, I’m so glad my blog helped you. I do believe that butterflies and even birds fly to us during dark times as a way to show us that our loved ones are near. Hoping 2019 will go better for you and keep watching for the butterflies! Hugs!!

  18. Dee says:

    I received my first visit from a yellow butterfly 3 days ago and it came directly to me and started flying around me – yes I was so delighted, so I had to do some research on the meaning. Because I have committed to consistently meditation and soul work I was immediately cognizant of its presence, yet to receive the fluttering around me was incredible. Having the yellow butterfly flying around me is consistent with what I have been seeking from the universe and look forward to it bringing me happiness and prosperity.

    • Martha says:

      Dee, I’m so happy that you were greeted by a yellow butterfly knowing it will bring you happiness that your loved ones are always with you, even though you can’t see them. Keep watching, they will come again!

  19. Flor says:

    I saw the Yellow flyingButterfly when I get back at the back garage of the house. It’s early at 4am here in Philippines the gate is closed and I’m thinking how is it enter in garage if it’s closed early morning. Before I saw the yellow butterfly, I’m thinking about the situation I have. Is there a chance /way that I can give the needs of my children .I’m still trying the way for it and ask God for His Help. After that while doing some work. I saw the yellow butterfly and come flying to my feet going to My back. It give me a sign of hope and happiness. That’s what I feel.

  20. In September 2019, I forgot the exact date happened. It was morning of that day, I was inside the staff house, were I finished dressing up myself, in a while, I open the main door and I went outside embracing the good news that will coming in my way. In a moment I saw a “Yellow Butterfly” flying in the yard. I was fascinated of observing it, as goes on the yellow butterfly has been come closer to me and flying around me. I startled, when the butterfly landed into my shoulder and had been disappeared.

    The question is why does the butterfly landed on my shoulder and why it disappeared?

  21. Donna Stanford says:

    I lost my Mom this Spring and it has been a very difficult journey for me. Mom lived in with me after Dad passed, so she was my best friend, my sig other and my Mom. Saw a yellow butterfly this morning for the longest time. It actually followed me in as I was pulling into our driveway and after I got out of the car, it was hovering and followed me as I walked. It also brushed my shoulder briefly. Before even reading your post I KNEW it was my Mom. I could feel it. I was crying and saying I love you over and over again. After approx 2 minutes over the house ot flew and was gone. I am so grateful!!!!

    • Martha says:

      I’m so sorry about your mom and difficult journey but glad you coud feel your mom’s presence Donna! I beleive and I’m happy you do too! Hugs to you, your mom and dad will always be watching over you

  22. Cheryl says:

    I had the first one huge yellow butterfly that keeps visiting me the first one was in December 6,2016 and the second one was July 2017 and one in August 2017 also and the 4th one just tonight November 29,2019. It’s always inside my room and the 3rd one lands on my shoulder and keeps turning around. I have their photos I just don’t know how to attach them on here.

    • Martha says:

      That is wonderful Cheryl! I would love to see the pictures and even add them to my blog with credits to you. If you want to email them, I’ll add them! Thank you for visiting, your loved ones are watching over you.

  23. Frances H Pleasant says:

    I had stayed with my nephew at the hospital as he transitioned. When I left the hospital coming home. My car was bombarded with so many yellow butterflies. I came home and looked up to see what it meant. It was the soul letting me know he was alright.
    I told his mother. The day of his funeral there were yellow butterflies in their yard. This has happened everytime now someone close to me transitions. It was amazing to see a butterfly at the end of December two days after my loving pet died. I am so appreciative of these signs. It helps me to know they are ok.

    • Martha says:

      I’m so sorry about your nephew but happy that the butterflies arrived to help you know he was alright. God has a way of getting messages to us. Hugs to you Frances.

  24. Snowhite says:

    My Mom passed just 7 days ago…she has a townhome around the corner from me and loved sitting on my second floor patio that overlooks a lake. EVERYDAY since she has passed, the same yellow butterfly hovers and flys around my patio all day long…today again! Trying to capture her picture, but she is darting around and is playing a game with me…Life is stranger than fiction. I LOVE you Mom!! Xo

    • Martha says:

      I’m so happy to hear this Snowhite! Your mom is with you in spirit. Give the butterfly a message to you mom and she will get it! Hugs to you and remember, “all the memories of the past, forever in your heart will last”. I wrote this when my mom passed away, may it help you know that you mom will always be with you even though you don’t see her.

  25. Frances H Pleasant says:

    That beautiful butterfly is her way of telling you she is ok and have not forgotten you. She is with you always.

  26. Heather says:

    So my boyfriend had a diabetic seizure in the middle of the night this last week, 7 years ago my best friend died of complications from an epileptic seizure. When the paramedics were in our room we all saw a yellow butterfly flying around. I just thought it was strange to have it flying in our room at that exact moment- I remembered feeling that my friend was there with me helping me through it. So I just decided to look up if there was a meaning to it and saw this article.

    • Martha says:

      I’m so sorry about your best friend and hope your boyfriend is doing better. I am a believer and I have seen the butterflies around my mom’s memory garden at times when I’m down and needing her to be near. I believe the yellow butterfly was sent down from heaven just as the one in your room with your boyfriend. You friend was there in spirit. Thanks for sharing your story Heather. <3

  27. Jerold Young says:

    My Mother passed away Nov. 22nd, 2019, and I’ve seen beautiful black and yellow butterflies for the last 4 months.

    • Martha says:

      The butterflies are sent down from your mom with a message of love. She will be in your heart forever. Thanks for sharing your butterfly story Jerold.

  28. Helen says:

    Last night as i was outside my house at around midnight a small yellow butterfly came to the front where I was sitting then flew to the left & right each time coming to me. I tried getting a photo but it still moving just near me so I called the security & asked why a yellow butterfly would come around at midnight & he said it’s bringing me luck.

    • Martha says:

      Those small yellow butterflies sure do flutter around fast Helen! It’s hard to capture them on camera but I’m so glad you got to see one. Yes the bring luck and messages from your loved ones.

  29. The other day on me way to work I found these beautiful yellow bright butterfly, it was on the street, and it was injured, she did not moved. I was worried if I let her there she will died; so I gently took her and moved her inside my front yard and put her where my flowers are. I apologize to her, that I couldn’t do more because I was late to work. When I came back from work she was gone. Any thoughts?

    • Martha says:

      It sounds like she came to send you a message of love from someone in heaven and perhaps flew into something and got stunned Maria. I’m so glad you move her to your flowers. That probably gave her time to rest and she took your message of love back with her.

  30. Shirley says:

    My mom passed away on the 10th. Of August.( yesterday). I was sitting on my porch, and saw 8 yellow butterflies. They made me feel calm.

    • Martha says:

      Im so sorry to hear about your mom passing Shirley. But I’m glad the butterfly stopped by. I do believe it was sent by your mom letting you know she is okay and guiding you from above.

  31. Amy Palmer says:

    I have been seeing yellow butterflies everywhere I go like never before. And my daughter and I both saw a different memorable hummingbird in the same day. I know someone is trying to tell us something:)

  32. Patricia S says:

    My Aunt passed away this afternoon and before I got the message of her passing, I saw a big bright beautiful yellow butterfly flying around our satsuma tree. I immediately thought maybe it could have been a sign from her. She was so special to me and I loved her dearly.. I’m so blessed for the sign.

    • Martha says:

      I’m so sorry about your aunt passing away but may it give you some comfort of seeing the yellow butterfly as a sign she is sending down her love. Whisper a message to the butterfly and he will take it up to heaven.

  33. Marion says:

    This blog is such a blessing for me. I shared with my sister Wanda on yesterday how there were small yellow butterflies flying near the spot where I park my vehicle. I was driving onto my driveway and they were flying low to the ground near that spot. My sister immediately responded that had to be a special meaning about the yellow butterfly .

  34. Marion says:

    This blog is such a blessing for me. I shared with my sister Wanda on yesterday how there were small yellow butterflies flying near the spot where I park my vehicle. I was driving onto my driveway and they were flying low to the ground near that spot. My sister immediately responded that had to be a special meaning about the yellow butterfly .

  35. I have been seeing lots of butterflies black and orange only 1 white one then a yellow and black one today what is the meanings of them x

  36. Marcia lewis says:

    I am from Jamaica and have been very blessed by your blog. It has helped to lift my spirits and keep my positive outlook in place. My siblings and I lost our beloved Mom 4 years ago and since then our family has been going through a legal nightmare related to her passing. Over the years we have noticed many unusual things happening around us e.g. humming birds that hover in the air right in front of us, regular visits from small birds on our patio, frequent sightings of dragonflies flying very close to us , even around our cars in swarms and perching on the clothesline for minutes less than a foot away from me. Of course, we have seen may yellow butterflies as well as others flying around outside, sometimes passing very close to us. Then last night I dreamed of a yellow butterfly right close to me on a window sill. I know that our mom is always with us in spirit. She is using the birds, butterflies and dragonflies to tell us that she is at peace and that it will all be ok for us in time. We do think of them as our spirit animals. Thanks you so much for your uplifting blog. Please keep encouraging others. God bless you and your family and stay safe and healthy.

    • Martha says:

      I’m so glad my blog uplifted you and you know that mom is always with you and your family through the birds, butterflies and dragonflies Marcia. You mom is watching over you for sure. Hugs and love to you!

  37. Andrea says:

    Hi Martha, i just opened my front door 9pm and a light yellow colour butterfly flew in and around me it startled me as I live in central London in a flat, then it quickly left . I have had massive amounts of stress of late, hope this butterfly is some good luck !Andrea x

  38. Kevin says:

    Hello Martha,
    This my first time here but I was just curious about the yellow butterflies. I’ve been seeing them a lot lately. I haven’t really been paying attention until about a few months ago. I had one land on my heart and it caught me off guard to see this happen. Since then I have been seeing them all the time. I’m just trying to find the meaning behind it

    • Martha says:

      Thanks for stopping by Kevin. There are a few meanings of yellow butterflies but the one I like is they are bringing down a message from a loved one in heaven. Whisper a message and the butterfly returns it to heaven.

  39. tricia amiel says:

    i once had a dream that a swarm of large sulphur butterflies landed on me and beat their wings, giving me energy. when i woke up, i made the important decision to continue my education. years and years later, i have a master’s degree, something i’m very proud of. whenever i see yellow butterflies, something important happens soon after.

    • Martha says:

      How wonderful that the butterflies gave you a message from your loved ones in heaven! Congratulations on continuing your education and remember the butterflies Tricia!

  40. Donna says:

    I am a firm believer of butterflies especially yellow ones. Since my husband transitioned into the afterlife that first spring after his passing over my yard was full yellow butterflies. There was one day me and my oldest granddaughter was outside in the swing and my youngest granddaughter came out the front door and a big beautiful monarch butterfly flew right out of the behind her. I looked at my oldest granddaughter and ask her if she seen that and she said she did, I truly believe it was my husband letting me know he was and really okay.

    • Martha says:

      Thank you Donna for sharing your experience with butterflies. I truly believe they are send down from loved ones, letting us know everything will be okay.

  41. Joe Sandoval says:

    I was listening to a song my last gf and I like. She was lost last summer, and by tragic means. Her spirit animal was actually the butterfly, and since her passing I see them EVERYWHERE, and ALL THE TIME. Whether in nature, on TV, hear about them in songs, see them on products, even people with tattoos of them. It’s comforting and reassuring. Just now a pretty light yellow butterfly fluttered so graciously the way through my yard. I’m grateful for such signs/communication/synchronicity.

    • Martha says:

      I’m so sorry for your loss Joe, but hopefully seeing the butterflies will be a sign that you GF is watching over you. It is very comforting to me when I see one, knowing my loved ones are still with me in spirit.

  42. Rehna says:

    Hi! I just saw a yellow butterfly when I got home because I went to take my road test that morning and I did passed my exam. I was so happy coming back to my house and then suddenly a yellow butterfly came to me. 🙂

  43. Frances says:

    Congratulations on passing your test. It gives you confidence when you see the yellow butterfly.

  44. Nher Ramos says:

    This morning I have seen two yellow butterflies resting on the walls of the house
    Owner where i stay. And it was the 2nd time that I saw 2 yellow butterflies at the same time together. And at the same place eventhough not at the same spot. I told it with my friend and send her the pictures i have taken. Then she send me your link. This about yellow butterfly meaning.

  45. Sheila says:

    Yes, last week I saw a big brown butterfly sitting on my car door and the following day is a beautiful yellow butterfly sitting on my car too. Well, last year I stay in a condominium and on the thirteen floor and there is one brown butterfly resting on my bed. Well, I will said that I’ve seen many small light brown or some sought like light yellow butterfly especially at work in the toilet wall. Hmmm….. Seriously I don’t know what it means? I’m an orphan but leaving with my adopted parents. Butterfly is always there in my life and I’m so curious. Why,,,,,, Thanks.

  46. Jerlyn says:

    A yellow butterfly (brown spots) just landed right in front of me, without me knowing where it came from. It fell off my bed as I was sittin and exploring my phone. I took a picture and post it on “myday” (FB). After that, I searched for the meaning ang I saw this article. And when I started typing my comment while I’m lying on my bed, the butterfly flies and touch my arm multiple times, it’s funny right? Then, the butterfly flew onto the curtain of my room.

  47. Sandy Mertes says:

    I have a bright yellow butterfly visit me every year for the past 6 years. Today I was setting outside and I had two visit, but only one stuck around. I was watering my flowers and taking the hose down to the bottom of the hill and my yellow butterfly followed me for awhile. I always say hi mom , but I also had a sister pass at the age of 4 and I think about her everyday, so I say hi to both. It never fails the yellow butterfly is here everyday and has been for 6 years.

    • Martha says:

      I truly believe they are sent down by loved ones Sandy. I too say hi to my mom when I see a yellow butterfly and they fly back to give her my message.

  48. Eea says:

    This is the first time I have seen pure yellow butterfly without any spot. It stayed with me until I finished what I was doing and it also left. And that is what brought me to your blog.

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