Wordless Wednesday Fun Day

Today is Wordless Wednesday and since I’m still working on my front yard landscaping project I decided to turn today into Wordless Wednesday Fun Day. The fun is sharing some photos and you have to guess what my next plan will be in this area! Are you up to joining in the fun?? Here is my photo story so far!

Hope you enjoyed Wordless Wednesday Fun Day, any ideas as to what’s coming next?
Hi Martha,
This was a great idea for a blog post! Good clean and clear pictures telling a story. Awesome.
Thanks Ginger I like coming up with different ways to share photos.
I can only imagine that it is a garden. What kind of garden though, I do not know. I’m really not sure because of the rain spout being there. I can’t wait to find out!
You are partially correct Jodiy blog for 10/14 shows it finished.
My guess is you’re making room to plant something new. Maybe a legacy tree for Rich?
Whatever it is, here’s to hoping your project goes well, and the work makes you feel zen-like!
That’s a good guess Tamara, be sure to checkout my post on Monday 10/14 for the reveal!
Fun post. Good luck with the project.
Thanks Barb, my project is completed and you can read about it on 10/14 blog post.
Martha, I love it, whatever it is! Is it a walkway?
Yes Kebba, you guessed it! I posted my blog on the finished project on 10/14!
Don’t give up on your yard. Keep at it.
I’m definitely not quitting until it’s all done Amanda. My next project will be to update my mom’s memory garden, I’ve sorta been neglecting that while working on the front.