What an Awesome Challenge Month

Can you believe April is over already!? When it started I had my doubts about coming up with thirty blog topics but what an awesome challenge month it ended up being! Between Lia and I, we completed another Ultimate Blog Challenge!

I found many of the previous challenge members returned and was happy to see some new faces in the crowd! I don’t drink coffee but what an exciting A to Z coffee blog Tamara wrote.

Another helpful blog was reading about all the healthy cooking swaps that Dominique posted during the challenge. I learned so many ideas of swapping not so healthy ingredients for healthy one!

Of course I can’t forget to mention that Roy who has been in the challenge for as long as I can remember and shares information on health, taxes, business management and the economy just to name a few. Also back was my friend Vidya who wrote an A to Z Poetry blog each day!

Many bloggers have written about inspiration and inspiring others during the challenge month. The last week especially was such an inspiring part of the challenge. Blogger friend Alice who is an awesome artist, painter and photographer posted a picture of a bear she created and when Lia saw it she fell in love with it and wanted to draw her own rendition, she was inspired by Alice. After Alice saw it, she asked if Lia and I would like to interview her for an upcoming blog. How exciting that was and in her blog she asked Lia if she could come up with a name for the bear! Lia named it Berry Bear because he wore a red shirt and strawberries are red! Berry Bear was a guest blogger on Alice’s blog yesterday!

But if that wasn’t enough excitement, yesterday my dear friend Kebba wrote a blog about a surprise package she received from Lia, her lemon zucchini bread and cinnamon spice tea. Kebba’s blogs are filled with inspiration, kindness and joyous living!

These are just a few of the awesome bloggers that participated in the April Ultimate Blog Challenge. Of course I can’t forget to mention our great host, Paul who without him the challenge wouldn’t be!

If it wasn’t for all the wonderful viewers who read, comment, share and like our blogs, our stats wouldn’t be where they are today. So a huge thank you to all who have helped our stats get to where they are by reading Lia’s and my blog posts and I hope you enjoyed them!

As always I’m ending the wonderful challenge with a poem I wrote previously about the ending of the challenge. I’m looking forward to seeing you all in the July Ultimate Blog Challenge! I plan to post at least one or two blogs a week and Lia will write her Friday Story Time By Lia during the off months and you can follow A Day in Lia’s Shoes for more excitement. Looking forward to keeping connected with you and your blogs between now and the next challenge! Keep on blogging on!

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Martha DeMeo

I started my blog on Christmas Day 2014 mainly to review products I received. Since then it has evolved into many other categories of lifestyles, family, money saving ideas, low cost, delicious and healthy meals plus other surprise posts. My granddaughter has her own category, Alex's Articles and the latest addition to my blog is my great granddaughter now has her category, Lia's Likings The Baby Blogger! Lia started blogger at 8 months old and she now has a Friday Story Time blog you won't want to miss! I welcome you to join the conversation, ask a question, give a suggestion or leave a comment on any blog post. I hope you enjoy Lia's Likings, she has some great posts that will make you smile!

16 Discussion to this post

  1. Tamara says:

    You’re right, April was over so quickly.
    Once again I enjoyed following your and Lia’s adventures 🙂
    Thank you for the shout-out, too!

  2. Gwen says:

    This month flew by for me as well! Writing is a challenge for me so I joined knowing I could not produce a blog every day. I’m proud of what I came up with. I also enjoyed the encouragement and camaraderie from everyone including you.

    • Martha says:

      In some challenges, we have to make our own Gwen. It’s not so much of completing all 30 but doing what you can and enjoy writing. We are all winners just for doing our best!

  3. Alice Gerard says:

    This has been a great blogging month for me, too! When I posted the painting of the bear, I never imagined that he would get such a fan club. I was very touched when Lia made her own portrait of the bear and even more touched when she gave me the name “Bear Lady.’
    Keep checking my blog for storytime with Berry Bear and Friends!!!

    • Martha says:

      Oh I can’t wait to read Berry Bear’s storys to Lia! Who would have thought that a picture turned into a storybook character and now you have Berry to write blogs with you! How exciting!

  4. Amanda Gene says:

    Great post! I am so proud of you, Lia and all your blogging friends.

  5. Martha, congratulations, it has been great reading your posts and Lia’s contribution, some great recipes for me to try!

  6. Martha, yes! What a month! And truthfully, I enjoyed it thoroughly! I have now been blogging since 2009, but I’m not sure when I started in the UBC. Look for your name in my post from today. <3 Congratulations on completing your umpteenth blog challenge!

    • Martha says:

      I’m trying to figure which UBC I met you in Kebba, i’ll figure it out! I loved your post and so happy it perked you up! 26 UBC in a row, 24 to go for 50! LOL

  7. Bing says:

    Dominique’s cooking swaps are interesting! Gwen’s blog also caught my attention. She knows what she’s writing about. Amanda Trought is a very talented artist. Wonder what happened it’s only now I discovered her blog.

    Of course, I adore Lia.

    It’s been a wonderful UBC month. I hope I can make it in July this year. Blog on!

  8. Dominique says:

    Great post! Thanks for the mentions and congratulations on completing the challenge!

    • Martha says:

      I’ve enjoyed your blogs Dominique and hope to see you back in the July UBC! This is my 26th consecutive UBC compeltion!

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