Visiting Uncle Zac in Indiana

I have an exciting Friday Story Time by Lia today because I’m visiting uncle Zac in Indiana!

Last Thursday, ma and pop took mommy and me to the Myrtle Beach SC airport and we were on the way to fly to Indianapolis Indiana airport where Zac would be waiting for us.

After mommy checked our bags, we said good bye to ma and pop and heading upstairs to wait to board our plane. It’s been two years since I’ve been on a plane and I was so excited.

While we were waiting for the plane mommy eyed a Starbucks so we headed over to see what they had. I asked mommy if I could have a cake pop so she told me I could order one! Well after I placed my order, the lady gave it to me free because she said I ordered it myself and I was so polite. I smiled and said thank you! By now it was almost noon and time to board our plane to go up, up and away! We had to change planes in Chicago Illinois so mommy took this picture as we got near that airport.

We had a few hours to wait for our next plane so mommy and I walked around to see what was there. We found a restaurant with our favorite food and I was so hungry! Look at all this yummy food! Before long we heard our flight number so we headed to board that plane. As I got ready to board the plane I told mommy I saw a dollar on the ground. Mommy turned around and saw the pilot pick it up and asked a man if he dropped it.. He didn’t and I told the pilot I saw it on the ground so he said, “finders keepers” and handed me the $20.00 bill! I didn’t know it was a $20 until he handed it to me! That was a nice surprise. This plane even offered Biscoff cookies, my favorite, so that was another surprise. Soon we were up, up and away again heading to Indiana!

We got to the Indianapolis airport about 5:00PM and Zac was waiting for us! He was surprised at how much I had grown in the past two year. Pop likes to watch car racing so mommy took my picture by this race care to show him. We were soon in Zac’s car heading to his house in Lafayette Indiana.

I don’t have many pictures of all the fun things we’ve been doing but mommy, Zac and I went to a paint your pottery place and we all painted cute things. Zac painted a car with TILIO on the front (that’s the name of his auto detailing shop and he has so many cool cars he works on) and I painted a unicorn. I got to see Max again, this picture of me with Zac and Max is from when I visited two years ago. Look how tiny I was!

We went out to lunch then went to the park with my friends I haven’t seen in two years. My mommy and their mommy went to school together and now we’re friends. But a super fun thing was at Big Air trampoline and slide park. It’s indoors so we can go if it’s super hot or raining.

When we go to Indiana our trip won’t be complete without going to the Pink Walrus ice cream shop. They have so many flavors and you get to add all kinds of toppings like gummie bears, chocolate chips and sprinkles! How do you like my new hat? Someone at the store said I look like a fashion model!

We also went ice skating at an indoor ice skating rink, then it was time to eat again! YUMMM!!

This is mommy and Zac, today is his birthday, he’s 25 years old! Happy Birthday Zac, I hope you like the card I made for you!
Mommy and I will be flying back home Monday after our fun trip. I’ll be back next Friday with a super special Friday Story Time by Lia! See you then!
Wow, Lia it looks like you are having a lot of fun. Happy Birthday Zac.
Lia and Alex had a great time visiting with her brother Brenda. Zac is just a kid at heart like me LOL
Hi Lia, wow, what a trip so far! A free cakepop, a lost (and found) 20 dollar bill, rice AND noodles with your Asian dish, ice cream, painting unicorns, playing, meeting friends and family! Your heart must be full!
I love the fact that your Mommy stayed friends with her schoolmates, and they even have kids the same age who can be friends!
Enjoy the remainder of your stay!
We were so busy Tamara and the week went by so quick! But when we got to the Indy airport to fly back home, there was a TWO hour delay. Mommy wasn’t happy about that but we were able to make our connection in Charlotte but 5 minutes!
I am glad you are having a good time, Lia. I look forward to hearing more about your adventures next week. Enjoy your weekend!
Mommy and I had a great time Dominique except when we left to come back home, our plane at Indy had a TWO hour delay! But we did make our connection in Charlotte by 5 minutes!
Happy Friday Lia and Martha! What a fun trip you have with your family in Indiana! I hope you have a blessed time! Sending lots of love.
Lia had a super time with her uncle and friends Jaime! Of course they both said the trip was too short.
Great description of the trip. Glad you had a fantastic time, Lia.
Thanks Roy, mommy and I had a fun time.
Lia is having a wonderful trip .Loved all the stories especially getting the cake pop as a gift must have been very special
Lia’s smile and being so polite get her everything Amrita! LOL
Oh my gosh, Lia, what a wonderful story! You had a great adventure!! I’m glad you had such a good time. And guess what! I love Biscoff cookies, too. Sometimes it’s the best part of being on a plane. Have a wonderful weekend.
Biscoff are the best Jeanine! We had a great time.
Sounds like you’re having a great time!
Yes we are Angie. Thanks for visiting my blog.
It looks like you are having a great time Lia! How fun. Your pictures really tell the story! Thanks for sharing. Cindy Rae
Having a great time Cindy. I love the Big Air slides and the ice skating!
What a great adventure you had, Lia! You are super lucky to find a $20 and get a free cake pop!!! And you look like a fashion model!! I can’t wait to read your next adventure! I am your fan!
Thank you Alice, I had a great adventure for sure and the $20 was a bonus.