Video Day with Lia

For today’s Ultimate Blog Challenge the topic is to post a video and write a short explanation about it. Well of course I’m going on step further and decided to have a Video Day with Lia where I’m sharing some of Lia’s videos from the past. She will be three years old in a few weeks and looking back at her a year ago, she seems to tiny!
Lia learned how to peel a hard boiled egg when she was about 1 1/2 years old. Watch how carefully she peeled the egg and was so proud of her self.
Now slicing the egg was a big accomplishment also. She not only sliced them but gave each egg a taste test before slicing!
At 2 1/2 years old, Lia was cruising the neighborhood in her purple McLaren. Of course she had to wear her pink cowgirl hat!
Lia has been cooking and baking from an early age. Now that she is almost three, it’s time for her to prepare a meal! She is making pop a stuffed pepper. She even grew the pepper in her garden!
After Lia finished making the stuffed pepper for pop, she took the scraps and started making silly faces. Small things but she loves being creative.
The one thing that Covid took away from Lia was her being able to play with her friend Carlos. A few months ago they finally had a playday. I’m not sure if Lia is practicing to be a school crossing guard or a teacher!
Watching Lia learn new things over her almost past three years has been such a joy. She is always ready to try something new but does so being very cautious. I can’t wait to see what she has in store for when she turns three years old in a few weeks! I hope you have enjoyed Video Day with Lia! Don’t forget about her big announcement coming in a few weeks on Friday Story Time by Lia!
Wow, Lia has been very busy. It looks like she is a person who enjoys exploring and enjoying life. Happy birthday in advance. Here’s to another year of adventure and learning for you both. Thanks for sharing Lia’s video day.
Lia stays busy Mary from the time she wakes up until she ready for bed! Always doing something exciting!
That is one cool looking car that Lia is “driving”! And judging by the other videos, she is going to be quite a helper in the kitchen.
That’s her McLaren Rachel, she got it for Christmas last year. She drives around, waving like a princess to the neighbors.
Lia has gotten so big. She is a very smart and caring little girl. I can’t wait to watch her grow.
She has grown so fast in her short 3 years Brenda! So inquisitive and full of enthuasisam about everything!
Wow, Lia’s grown so much and she is extremely talented thanks to all her awesome role models. She’s so brave to do all those videos, I just started and it is still difficult. With practice, I’ll soon have the level of confidence Lia has to perform impromptu so flawlessly. Thank you for sharing. Sending lots of of love and gratitude. Jaime
I can’t even do a good video Jaime! I start and flub it up and have to restart! I think Lia is doing great on her videos.
loving Lia’s video day.. thank you for all the smiles
Thanks Vidya! I’m still trying to work on getting better on videos.
Lia is such a glamorous star, look at that shiny convertible car she has and she’s not even three! I’m jelly! Great set of videos showing how much Lia has learned and grown! Thank you for sharing. Sending lot of love and gratitude. Jaime
Lia drives around the neighborhood, waving like a princess in her purple McLaren Jaime! I had fun putting her videos together!
What cute videos.
Thanks Amanda!
Loving working with videos Amanda!