Video Blooper
Everyone needs a laugh now and then so here’s your laugh for today! Have you heard the saying, “you can’t teach old dogs, new tricks”? Well the same could go with, “you can’t teach some old women how to pause a video”! I had no intention of writing a blog about my Video Blooper but after all was said in done, my granddaughter and I couldn’t stop laughing. I hope this gives you all a few laughs too.
I’m not that great about making videos but I’m trying to get better at them so I can do more product review videos. My problem is I will have in my mind what I plan to say, I have the product all ready and as soon as I hit the video record on my phone, it’s like I get brain fade. I usually start out my video doing fairly well then as I’m talking about the product, my tongue gets tied and the words don’t come out how I want them too. So when that happens, I delete the video and start over. Well today, my super smart granddaughter (who also has her own category on my blog – Alex’s Articles) showed me a secret! Low and behold, Alex showed me how I can click the “pause” icon, collect my thoughts, then click the “pause” icon again to restart the video. Sounds simple right? Well it wasn’t for me in the beginning.
These four screenshots show the different icons on my phone when recording.
I started doing quite well, I’d finish a sentence or two then pause the video so I could think before I added more to it. I was on a roll then suddenly I didn’t see the “pause” icon and the video had to be started over. Ugggg, what did I do to make it disappear? I showed my phone to the brain child, and she told me what I was doing wrong. When I paused the video, instead of hitting “resume” to restart, I would click the middle button which would end the video! This happened over and over until finally Alex yelled, “STOP HITTING THE MIDDLE BUTTON!” Well it took my old brain a few more times to get it through my head not to do that but not until Alex actually showed my on the phone what I was doing wrong. It was hilarious after I watched my “blooper video” and hearing her smack her phone into the palm of her hand when she kept saying over and over, “STOP HITTING THE MIDDLE BUTTON!” As we listened to the video, it sounded like she was smacking me upside the head! LOL
Being almost 70 years old, I really do like learning new things. Sometimes it takes repetition for it to sink and today was one of those times but I think I got it down pat now! Every time I take a video, I’m sure I will hear Alex say, “STOP HITTING THE MIDDLE BUTTON” even if she isn’t even home!
My Video Blooper
This is a video clip of Alex trying to get me straight on DON’T HIT THE MIDDLE BUTTON! We all need a little laugh from time to time, hope this made your day!
Now, you might want to consider how to use the editing program- and forget about the pause button…
Well, I actually have edited from the little blocks at the bottom of the video. I need to take baby steps Roy, hopefully I’ll get there! Thanks for stopping by.