Ultimate Blog Challenge Stumble

Ultimate Blog Challenge Stumble

Today is Day 6 and I’m writing about my Ultimate Blog Challenge Stumble. I usually come up with my daily blog in the morning before I leave for work.  If I don’t have time to write it and get my photos added, my goal is to make sure it’s up by early afternoon.

The host of the UBC sends out daily emails with suggestions to write about and sometimes they fit perfect for me, while other times I already have my blog idea. Today when I read the topic suggestion,  “Share with your readers about a time you stumbled” my mind went blank and I just couldn’t think of anything. Then my STUMBLE came right to me!

Since we are in the track of Hurricane Matthew, I was watching the updates early morning and didn’t have a chance to even think of my daily blog.  Once we got to work, the same thing, between keeping up with the updates and working on large drapery order, I was still way behind.But I was not only behind on getting today’s blog written, I also didn’t have time to read and comment on the blogs written by others in the Challenge from yesterday.  The one thing I do is make sure I get to everyone who has read and commented on my daily blog.

Here is my STUMBLE, I didn’t get to read yesterday’s blogs until late this afternoon!  My blog topic for yesterday was Wordless Wednesday and I shared our beautiful roses and  I had so many bloggers comment on that post!  So before I posted today’s post, I went through the list and commented and replied to those who stopped to smell our roses.



There were a few names that I didn’t recognize and I couldn’t find them on the daily post but I was determined to turn my stumble around and over come the situation.  I wrote a post on the UBC site thanking everyone for leaving their comments and apologized for being a day late. What’s that saying, “A day late and a dollar short”?  LOL   I also posted who I was looking for so I could read their blogs.  I have heard replies on a few, still need one more, but like I mentioned, I’m determined and I will find their blog so I can read it!!

So I have shared my STUMBLE, completed reading all from yesterday and posted my blog for today, even though it’s after 6:00 PM.

Thank you all for reading my blogs and being patient while I return the favor. Have you ever stumbled on something that didn’t go as planned?  What did you do to over come the situation?

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Martha DeMeo

I started my blog on Christmas Day 2014 mainly to review products I received. Since then it has evolved into many other categories of lifestyles, family, money saving ideas, low cost, delicious and healthy meals plus other surprise posts. My granddaughter has her own category, Alex's Articles and the latest addition to my blog is my great granddaughter now has her category, Lia's Likings The Baby Blogger! Lia started blogger at 8 months old and she now has a Friday Story Time blog you won't want to miss! I welcome you to join the conversation, ask a question, give a suggestion or leave a comment on any blog post. I hope you enjoy Lia's Likings, she has some great posts that will make you smile!

11 Discussion to this post

  1. Jennifer Bay says:

    Wow, that sounds like my daily “stumble” as it is usually after 9pm before I get my daily post up 🙁 But life gets in the way sometimes, the trick is to take control, and you surely did that! Can’t wait to read tomorrows post 🙂

    • Martha says:

      I’m so glad I’m not the only procrastinator. But I’m not just lolly gagging around, my day is so full and I just can’t seem to fit things in at certain times. But as long as it gets done, that’s the bottom line, right? Thanks for visiting Jennifer!

  2. Sumudu says:

    I liked your roses 🙂

  3. Nita says:

    What a great idea to post on UBC when you can’t find someone’s blog. I had a similar stumble to yours. My computer and/or internet decided to not play nice (it could NOT have been user error) and wouldn’t let me do anything. I wasn’t even sure the post went live. Today, I see that it did and I have comments. So am replying to them now. Hey, late is better than not at all, right? By the way, I loved the roses too. Plants cringe when they see me coming, hoping I don’t take them home. They know I mean well, and I try, but they don’t always thrive with me.

    • Martha says:

      I love how Paul gives us daily topics and the Stumble was a great one! Hope you got your computer squared away, I too know it’s NEVER a user error! Posting to find people was a last resort because I also like to pay back the favor (plus it’s a great way to connect with super bloggers). As for the roses, I leave the growing them to hubby and his sweet talking to them. I will stick to photographing them since I can make an artificial flower wilt! LOL Thanks for stopping by Nita!

  4. Glad you’re still safe at home and blogging!

    • Martha says:

      Thanks Priscilla! We actually decided to leave and head to the western part of the state to check the leaves. It was getting a bit iffy with the Hurricane updates. But I have my laptop with me, so blogging goes on! Thanks for stopping by!

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  6. Wow, just ended skimming this blogpost. Very amazing articles you got there. Definitely following your website! Thank you for everything.

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