Toes in the Sand

Hi, I’m Lia and I’m back with another Friday Story Time by Lia about my toes in the sand! WOW it seems like I just wrote my Friday Story Time for last week and now it’s here again! But that’s a good thing, I love sharing my stories with you. Today I’m sharing a day at the beach. Pop, mama and I went to visit the ocean! We live so close but hardly every get to see it. Pop said now that tourist season is over we will go more. I like that idea because I had such a great time!

It’s a sunny day and not too windy or cold so come walk down the wooden walkway with me so we can see the ocean! Are you ready, let’s go!

We made it to the shore and I’m watching the waves. Good thing I wore my boots because I was walking in the water! I walked to the edge but the water would go back out so I decided to walk a little farther in. See that big wave behind me? Well it came right up to me and knocked me over! Next thing I knew I was sitting in the water! Mama was with me so she helped me up but was I wet!

Papa took my jacket and boots off, look how wet my jeans are! But now I got to walk with my toes in the sand! I had to be careful where I walked because there were so many pieces of broken shells and they would hurt if I stepped on them.

I was watching the waves come to shore and first I was standing in sand and the next minute water was covering my feet! I stood there a bit longer and the water went back into the ocean! It felt like my feet were moving even though I was standing still when the water went back out!

We walked a little farther down the beach and saw lots of seagulls and these sandpipers. It was fun watching them run along the edge of the water.

We didn’t find many interesting shells but I did find a scallop shell with a hole in the middle. I put it in my bag and I’m going to make mommy a necklace! Then I found this shell, see all the sand in it? I started poking my finger around the sand to get it out than mama said let’s take it to the water and let the ocean wash it out. That was a lot easier!

Pop said it was time to head home so I looked back at the ocean one more time and said, “I’ll be back soon!”

Of course I had to play in the sand before we left! I was in the dry beach sand and it was easier to walk on because there weren’t any shells. It was fun get my hands in it and toss it in the air. Good thing I had mama’s hat on to keep the sand out of my hair. Next time I’m going to take my pail and shovel and make something.

Just before we got to the wooden walkway to head back to the truck I had to look back at the ocean one more time. I had so much fun playing in the water, watching the birds and looking for shells. I can’t wait until we go back again. Pop said it will be soon!

We went back to the ocean today!

Just as I was getting ready to post my blog, pop said, “Let’s go to the ocean again today!” I was so excited and I found some treasures!

The water had big waves today and pop had to hold my hand tight so I wouldn’t get caught in them. I wore my beach sandals and shorts today so I was all ready to get wet. But it was so windy that my hat blew off! Luckily I got it but mama carried it for me so I wouldn’t lose it in the ocean.

LOOK WHAT I FOUND!!!! I found another walking stick on the beach! This one is a little bigger but I’m going to grow taller! So now I have three walking sticks!

I had so much fun today at the beach! Pop wrote my name in the sand with my walking stick and look how big the waves are as they come to shore! I was so happy that mama and pop took me to the beach again.

But the best part was when we were walking along the shore to head back. A lady saw us collecting shells and she asked mama if we found any shark teeth today. Mama told her no and the lady said all she found were small ones but she wanted to give it to me! I gave her a big smile and said thank you! Mama said because it’s so tiny we will glue it to this scallop shell so it doesn’t get lost. There is a hole on the top of the shell so when we get the shark tooth glued on we will put some ribbon through the hole and hang it in my room!

I thought this was the perfect picture to add to my beach blog, it’s a picture of my mommy and pop when she was about my age!

I hope you enjoyed strolling down the beach with me and getting your toes in the sand! I’ll be back next week with another exciting Friday Story Time by Lia! Until then, thank you for visiting my blogs! Hugs and smiles to last you until next time.

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16 Discussion to this post

  1. Brenda Fluharty says:

    What a lovely time you had at the beach. I hope your pop or mamma gets you a chest to keep all your treasures in. When I was a young girl I loved to walk on the beach with my pop. We found drift wood and together made a chest when I was a little older than you but I still have it.

    • Martha says:

      What a wonderful project you and your pop had and what memories Brenda! That gave me an idea, I have a small truck that was my great grandfather’s. That would be perfect to turn into Lia’s treasure chest! Thank you for the great idea and yes we all have a super time at the beach making memories!

  2. Lia, your beach explorations sound terrific! I remember standing on a beach, just in the water’s edge, and that feeling you mention of the sand moving although I was standing still. Sometimes you can get the sand to wash back over your feet and nearly bury your feet.

    • Martha says:

      Lia had such a wonderful time at the beach Kebba! When the nice lady gave her the shark’s tooth she was so excited! (So was I) We have to make going to the beach a weekly outing since it’s less than a mile away! Glad it brought back memories for you.

  3. Rich says:


  4. Lily Leung says:

    Lia is so lovely. I love her spirit. She reminds me of another little girl or two.

  5. KateLoving says:

    Awww, so sweet. What a beautiful child! The beach brings the best from all of us!!

    • Martha says:

      Lia loved to water, almost a little too much, she had no fear when running into the waves as pop held her hand ever so tight. A great way to get exercise too KateLoving!

  6. It’s always so much fun to play in the sand by the beach.

  7. vidya says:

    Loving exploring the beach with lia!! she looks like she is having loads of fun.. someday maybe we can explore the beaches here along highway 1 together…

    • Martha says:

      Lia had a ball Vidya! I love seeing her run and laugh, stopped to say hi to every puppy walking by and smiles to the beach walkers. That would be great to explore the beaches with you! Someday we may just do that!

  8. Amanda Gene says:

    Looks like you guys had a fun time.

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