Today is National Zucchini Bread Day

Today is National Zucchini Bread Day and it’s also Throwback Thursday so I’m using some photos from previous zucchini bread blogs. Look how tiny Lia was! We always have an abundant crop of zucchini in the garden and we love zucchini bread.

Lia started making zucchini bread with me when she was about 2 years old. She would go to the garden and pick the ripe ones then she would help me shred and freeze the zucchini.

I shred the unpeeled zucchini and freeze it in silicone baking cups or in my silicone burger freezer tray. The baking cups hold 1/3 cup and the burger tray will hold 1 cup for each of the 6 sections. This way I can freeze all the zucchini we have and Lia and I can make fresh zucchini bread year round!

We have two recipes we like to use, one is regular zucchini bread and the other which is our favorite is lemon zucchini bread. It’s so moist and delicious with a hint of lemon. Of course it’s best when eaten warm from the oven with butter. We make our loaves in small loaf pans so we can freeze some, eat some and share some with our neighbors. I found this lemon zucchini recipe from Lil Luna website and if you like zucchini bread I think you’ll love to try this one. I think I’ll pull some zucchini out of the freezer and make a batch of bread today!
Put butter on the bread and I’m ready to try it – it looks delicious! Plus, I like zucchini. Especially fried. Lia was so adorable in those pictures.
I still have frozen zucchini from summer before last. I’ve made zucchini muffins. Haven’t tried bread yet. Will have to try it. Lia is so cute at every age.
I love being able to freeze zucchini to make bread/muffins any time Lily.
Love zucchini bread – even over banana bread!
So do I and zucchini is so easy to shred and freeze so we can make a batch whenever Angie.
How can these pictures be “throwback” – I feel like this was Lia just the other day?
I haven’t been doing much baking because I’m not supposed to eat sugar and flour (says who? I do), but someday I may make a chocolate zucchini bread.
I love looking back at photos when Lia started baking Tamara. She enjoys it so much.
That looks so good. Yum!
It was, I love zucchini bread Amanda.