TILIO Interview

Today I’m sharing an interview I had with a young man from Indiana. He started his auto detailing business when he was 21 years old and it’s so interesting not to mention his work is superb! This is the TILIO interview I had with Zac.

How did you come up with the idea to open your own business?

I’ve always enjoyed working with vehicles and my cars always had to be looking good. I started TILIO with someone else but they left right after we opened, so I was forced to work here day and night to keep the bills paid.

When did you start your auto detailing shop and where are you located?

I started the business on April 17th, 2020 and we’re located on 3319 South St. Lafayette, IN, 47904

How did you come up with the name?

I came up with the name by just tossing around different ideas until I eventually decided I wanted an acronym. Then went from there and came up with TILIO which means – Treat It Like It’s Ours. At TILIO we offer high quality service and take pride in our work so every vehicle gets treated like it’s ours.

What are some of the projects you do?

We do a lot of full details, which includes cleaning interior and exterior of the vehicle but we also do a lot of paint corrections and ceramic coats.

What is the most unique vehicle you’ve detailed?

The 1946 Cessna airplane was definitely the most unique vehicle we’ve ever detailed. Since there was no way for the plane to get into our shop, we went to the plane!

I heard you added photography and videography, has that helped your business?

YES! Having professional quality photos and videos has helped tremendously because now we can show the true quality of our work. This has also opened up a new avenue for doing photo shots and videos for commercials. Currently I have made a commercial for a gas station grand opening, a mattress company and working on another. I also have an upcoming wedding booked for both photography and videography.

It looks like this car owner has a dog but Zac made sure to make it look like new! Look at the big difference from before and after!

Do you have future plans for TILIO and Z.Wilk?

I have lots of plans for both. I’m taking my time building each brand, one step at a time.

Thank you so much Zac for taking time out of your busy schedule to do this TILIO interview with me. I’m totally impressed with your work and I’m sure my readers will be also!!

I hope you enjoyed seeing how hard Zac works on all the vehicles to make them look show room quality and like Zac says, “With every vehicle detailed at TILIO we treat it like it’s ours!”

Be sure to visit TILIO and Z.Wilk Productions on Facebook to see more of Zac’s auto detailing work and his awesome photography and videography! Zac has his TILIO website up and running too!


Who would have thought that the day after I did my TILIO interview with Zac the local Indiana news channel 18 WLFI reporter Marvin Bills stopped by Zac’s shop and did a video interview with him! Zac and Tilio made it on the news!! Photo credits: from the WLFI news video.

Now I gotta tell you…. this isn’t any random owner of an auto detailing shop, Zac is our 23 year old grandson who has had the drive and ambition since he was about 3 years old. All these photos (except for the ones that Zac is in)) were taken by Zac, he even took this family photo by setting up his camera and running to get in the picture! With Zac’s positive attitude I know he will continue reaching for higher goals.

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Martha DeMeo

I started my blog on Christmas Day 2014 mainly to review products I received. Since then it has evolved into many other categories of lifestyles, family, money saving ideas, low cost, delicious and healthy meals plus other surprise posts. My granddaughter has her own category, Alex's Articles and the latest addition to my blog is my great granddaughter now has her category, Lia's Likings The Baby Blogger! Lia started blogger at 8 months old and she now has a Friday Story Time blog you won't want to miss! I welcome you to join the conversation, ask a question, give a suggestion or leave a comment on any blog post. I hope you enjoy Lia's Likings, she has some great posts that will make you smile!

20 Discussion to this post

  1. How wonderful! The work looks amazing and I really love the logo and the full name. I personally think the name spelled out as opposed to the acronym is more impactful. I did not relate to Tilio until you mentioned what it was down in the article. Great for him and I wish him continued success.

    • Martha says:

      Thanks Shepherds Run Farm! I think Zac figured the simple name would be better and when the customers find out the meaning they are totally impressed. As Rich and I are impressed with how great Zac has done in only 2 years.

  2. Elisa says:

    That’s amazing! I love everything about this – from how he came up with the name of his business to working on that airplane. So cool. I hope he puts this on his website for everyone to see. Wishing Zac much success.

    • Martha says:

      Thanks Elisa! Zac just got his website up the day before I published my interview with him. I’m sure he will fill it with all kinds of surprises. He even had contests for free detailing!

  3. Glenda Cates says:

    Congrats on your business and it was a pleasure to learn more about you. C said if he was closer when he finishes building the Car, we want to get it he would bring it to Zac to learn how to take care of it. As long as no, photos are taken because he has gotten to where he doesn’t want his photo taken. Goofy child.

  4. Laurie says:

    I am so impressed!
    With the name—what an awesome choice! To the work, and his determination! This is a wonderful example of a young person setting his goals and going after them with integrity!

    I’m saving this to show my family, and sharing it!


    Ridge Haven Homestead

  5. Dominique says:

    Congratulations on his success! And congrats to you too. I liked the interview. He does great work. I love the name though! Thank you for sharing!

  6. Cheryl says:

    Great story. Thank you for sharing it. What an entrepreneurial young man. I love how he came up with the name of his business.

    • Martha says:

      What Zac has done in two years would take others much longer. He sets his mind to something and goes after it! He’s reaching high for his goals Cheryl. I love the name too!

  7. Great business description and photos. That’s how you will succeed!

  8. Martha, wow! What an awesome grandson! I loved reading this post and seeing the images! Wish he were here. Be proud!

  9. Brenda Marie Fluharty says:

    Wow, Zack’s work is amazing. You must be so proud of him. I wish Zack greater success to come.

  10. Amanda Gene says:

    Great interview. 🙂

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