Things that Come in Fours

Today is day 4 of the UBC and the suggested topic is Great Things that Come in Fours. Some suggestions were listed such as the four seasons, suits of cards, quadruplets, musical groups or movies.

As many of you know I like to think outside the box and try to come up with my own ideas so I started thinking. BINGO!! It didn’t take long to come up with my topic of the FOUR MONTHS OF THE ULTIMATE BLOG CHALLENGE!

Every January, April, July, and October the Ultimate Blog Challenge goes on where bloggers who join in write a blog a day for those months. I started the challenge in 2016 and have completed every challenge in the past FOUR YEARS!! The idea of the challenge is that by writing every day, you will increase visitors to your blog which will increase your stats and meet new bloggers and learn new ideas. The bloggers read, like, comment and share other posts and the members are one big family from all around the world! Paul T., host of the Ultimate Blog Challenge also sends out daily suggestions for blog topics plus offers free webinars on blog tips to increase traffic and answers questions.

After I decided on writing about my last four years of participating in the Ultimate Blog Challenge I decided to check my stats from when I started the challenge in January 2016. It was interesting to see the difference in traffic to my blog on challenge months versus non-challenge months.

I checked my monthly and yearly stats and the total yearly for all 12 months from 2016 through 2019 was 114,372 views. I then broke it down into the 4 challenge months and the total for the same time period was 45,997. The other 8 months of blogging was 68,375. You can also see how each year has increased steadily.

When I did some calculations on the 16 challenge months my views averaged 2874 compared to 2136 on the 32 non-challenge months. That means that I am getting more traffic, more comments, likes and shares from other bloggers to the tune of 737 more per month!

This chart shows my average daily stats and just glancing you can see the difference from January, April, July and October numbers. If you notice the 2015 stats are quite low, that is when I started The Martha Review blog and I’ll write more about my 5th blogging anniversary on another day.

I rest my case that the Ultimate Blog Challenge is a terrific way to increase traffic to your blog and it’s a cool topic to write about for Things That Come in Fours! Of course it’s also a great way to meet new bloggers, read their blogs and learn from them. A big thank you to all my readers for viewing, commenting, liking and sharing my blog stories, it’s because of you that my stats are where they are.

This is a previous blog I wrote about four blogging tips!

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Martha DeMeo

I started my blog on Christmas Day 2014 mainly to review products I received. Since then it has evolved into many other categories of lifestyles, family, money saving ideas, low cost, delicious and healthy meals plus other surprise posts. My granddaughter has her own category, Alex's Articles and the latest addition to my blog is my great granddaughter now has her category, Lia's Likings The Baby Blogger! Lia started blogger at 8 months old and she now has a Friday Story Time blog you won't want to miss! I welcome you to join the conversation, ask a question, give a suggestion or leave a comment on any blog post. I hope you enjoy Lia's Likings, she has some great posts that will make you smile!

22 Discussion to this post

  1. Jyll says:

    That is great information! I am also very impressed that you have completed each challenge for four years – you are my hero and inspiration!

    • Martha says:

      Awwww, thanks Jyll! I’m the type of person when I start something I stick with it unless something major gets in the way. I love the UBC and all the other bloggers that partcipate and help each other reach the goals they hope for! Thanks for stopping by and blog on!

  2. What a marvelous testimonial for this challenge! I am so impressed how you got so much data in place. hats off and congratulations!

    • Martha says:

      Thanks Julie, I so enjoy this challenge, especially how well Paul puts everything together with the daily suggested topic and of course all the other bloggers. I’ve learned so much from reading the other blogs and I find everyone so helpful when people run into problems. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Carrie says:

    Isn’t it inspiring to look at the data to see the progress? Each year you have had growth!

    • Martha says:

      Yes it is Carrie! I don’t usually check stats until challenge months and I’m overly surprised! It wouldn’t have been such a growth if it wasn’t for all my blog visitors! Thanks for stopping by and helping me grow!

  4. Wow!!! It’s amazing to see the difference this challenge can make

    • Martha says:

      I know I do better on challenge months but this is the first time I’ve actually broken them down and I was quite amazed also Janet! I’m so glad I stumbled on the UBC in 2016!

  5. Alana says:

    It’s certainly true that the more you “put yourself out there”, especially by participating in blog challenges, the more traffic you will get. Before my first blog challenge in 2011, I had almost no traffic at all. I’ve learned so much by participating in challenges, including the UBC, but you have offered the hard statistics!

    • Martha says:

      I started my blog in Dec. 2014 so 2015 was my first complete year. That was a learning year (of course I’m still learning) and will I didn’t have a lot of traffic I was pleased with my stats. But now that I’m in the challenge and my viewer list is growing I’m excited to watch the changes. I know they would not be where they are if it wasn’t for all my faithful followers! Thanks Alana for being one of them!

  6. Vidya says:

    I am always amazed at how you have kept track so faithfully these past few years and I do agree that the UBC is simply wonderful – as a challenge and especially the community!

    • Martha says:

      I’m the type that I love a challenge Vidya! I set personal goals and unless something earth shattering gets in the way, I am compelled to complete what ever the challenge may be. I think the UBC challenge is so easy is because of all the great bloggers that I’ve met in the past 4 years! (you included of course) Thanks for visiting.

  7. Veronica says:

    Martha I am impressed you completed all challenges. What is your secret? I have been trying for a number of years and have not completed a week. I tell myself I will finish this time but it is already a struggle. Congrats.

    • Martha says:

      Thanks Veronica, I’m the type that once I start something I HAVE to complete it. There have been a few times when the challenge month is just about here and I’m so busy that I say, “maybe I should sit this one out” but then my other self says, “DON’T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT,JUST DO IT!” LOL I do struggle at times but if I hit a bump and can’t come up with a topic, the first thing I do is scroll through my photos and I can usually find a topic hidden in the pictures. I was born for a challenge!

  8. Alice Gerard says:

    Congratulations on completing all of those blogging challenges! And good job! I really enjoy reading your posts, and your variety of topics is quite delightful.

    • Martha says:

      Thanks Alice, I like to read some of the blogs were the blogger has a niche and every topic can relate to the other but I’m the type that needs to write about what ever pops in my head. I certainly don’t get bored writing and BTW I enjoy all your photos in your story blogs!

  9. Rich says:

    Martha is a terrific blogger she checks every detail before writing she is very careful with each blog very e z to see she enjoys

  10. great article thanks for sharing it

    • Martha says:

      Thanks, I was scratching my head thinking of things that come in fours when I hit myself and said, “DUH, the challenge comes in fours!” Thanks for visiting Kelly!

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