Things I Learned from my Patience

Have you ever read someone’s blog and their story gave you an idea for your own blog? Will this happened the other day when my UBC friend Amrita wrote a blog titled Things I Learned from my Patients. Amrita is a doctor, an ENT Surgeon, and she wrote about things her patients have taught her. Today my blog is about things I learned from my patience.

We’ve probably all heard the saying, “Patience Is a Virtue” but what does that mean? This sentiment is a reflection upon someone’s ability to wait for something. By calling patience a virtue, or state of moral excellence, it leads people to believe an ability to wait without agitation is an admirable quality according to

I seem to always be rushing and have to get things done right away. I’ve always been this way but trying to make a change. I get frustrated if something takes too long to complete or if I have to wait in line too long. I’m always on a fast walk like I have to beat the clock and I realized all this has to slow down. Lia has already learned patience when waiting for her cookies and muffins to finish baking so it’s time for me to do the same.

Tips for patience

I’ve come to realize things will get down even if I slow down and be more patient. This is what I’ve learned from my patience:

1 – I am more focus.

2 – I seem to stay calmer.

3 – I don’t get as frustrated when I’m not rushing.

4 – I can listen to others better because I’m not “thinking ahead” of what I should be doing.

5 – I can complete things in just about the same amount of time by not rushing.

I’ve also learned that meditation is a great way to increase my patience. Deep breathing and relaxing are my new friends. I’m more relaxed, get better sleep and don’t wake up with my mind racing as to what has to be completed.

I’m still working on these steps but I realized I need to slow down and smell the roses like I tell everyone else to do! I need to listen to me, stay calm and stop all the rushing every day. I think it may even be better for my health to slow down and have more patience. Good things will come whether I’m rushing or have patience to wait.

Thank you Amrita for giving me a blog topic idea, from your patients to my patience!

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Martha DeMeo

I started my blog on Christmas Day 2014 mainly to review products I received. Since then it has evolved into many other categories of lifestyles, family, money saving ideas, low cost, delicious and healthy meals plus other surprise posts. My granddaughter has her own category, Alex's Articles and the latest addition to my blog is my great granddaughter now has her category, Lia's Likings The Baby Blogger! Lia started blogger at 8 months old and she now has a Friday Story Time blog you won't want to miss! I welcome you to join the conversation, ask a question, give a suggestion or leave a comment on any blog post. I hope you enjoy Lia's Likings, she has some great posts that will make you smile!

16 Discussion to this post

  1. Your post reminded me of the value of stopping to take a deep breath before making an important decision.

  2. Tamara says:

    Ha, we have a lot in common.
    From time to time I have to tell myself to slow down. Let nature take its course. Have faith.
    It’s definitely easier to be understanding and kind if I am not rushing in an attempt to get stuff done.

    And yes, I have been inspired to wrte a blogs post by reading other articles many times.

  3. Great play on words, Martha!

  4. That’s really lovely Martha.Life is a cycle and your blogpost made me realize how much of a virtue patience is.Thank you for all your kindness.

  5. Brenda Marie Fluharty says:

    I am the same way. It took me a long time to just relax about things. Meditation and Reiki did help as well. I am someone who is an over thinker too.

  6. There is nothing like real patience when waiting for yummy things baking in the oven! 🙂 Your #4 is a hard one for me: I need to listen better to others instead of also thinking about what I need to do next!

    • Martha says:

      Yes waiting for the yummy things in the oven is a great way to test paatience Angie! I’m working on my list to have more patience.

  7. Martha, I am totally with you on the supreme value of patience! Especially your point #5 is crucial: it will get done/happen in almost the same time if you are patient Plus, I am so glad you’re using meditation. I’m *impatient* to know if you have tried any of the techniques from my meditation book. Blessings!

    • Martha says:

      I LOVE your books Kebba and have been working on shoulder rolls and notice a big difference in not only patience but also less stress. Thanks for all your great advice.

  8. Amanda Gene says:

    I really enjoyed this post. In all honesty I don’t have a lot of patience. That is something that I worked on in the past. It’s something I’m still working on.

    • Martha says:

      Well that’s me too Amanda. I am getting better now that I know what to look for and how to learn to relax and not fly off the handle.

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