The Day Has Finally Come

We interrupt my regular scheduled blogs for announce that the day has finally come! Lia Faith turned THREE YEARS OLD! Do you remember the movie, “Everyone Loves Raymond”? Well it seems like everyone loves Lia and she has received so many birthday messages from people she doesn’t even know.

One of my blogger friend’s sent Lia some graphics for me to print out! So many of the messages have mentioned how much they love her and how her smile makes them happy. How I wish Lia could meet her Facebook and blogger friends in person!

Looking back to when Lia’s mom was young she was always loving, caring and compassionate to everyone, just like Lia. But her parents always put her down. She went through so much parental abuse throughout her early years. The time came when she was old enough to leave, but not before she endured so much mental abuse and physical abuse. But she was strong and she survived.

Fast forward to three years ago today when Lia Faith was born, she was indeed a life-saver to her mom. This is the birthday post that mommy wrote to Lia today: 3 years ago today, I pushed out an absolutely beautiful, life-changing, life-saving, perfectly perfect, unbelievably amazing gift from the universe ❤️ When I was a teenager, I used to wonder what my kids would be like. How would they look, sound, act, how smart would they be, what kind of relationship would we have, etc. Then I had Lia and my whole world changed. Maybe I lucked out? Maybe she’s just got the awesomeness of her and her twin, rolled intoAlex one? Maybe she was just everything I ever wanted and needed, rolled into a little ball of a miracle, put into my life when I needed her most? Who knows? All I know is, everything happens for a reason, and through it all, we will always have each other no matter what I love you so so so much, forever and ever. Thank you for everything. Happy birthday 💕

Today was Lia’s day, all day, this morning she opened all her presents. Mommy did an awesome job of setting up the gifts on the stairway and when she get to the top, the big finale’ gift was waiting for her.

Afternoon was getting ready for her 3 year old doctor appointment. The wall in the exam room is a perfect backdrop for photo shoots while waiting for the doctor! Lia got a perfect bill of health! She weighs 35 pounds and is 39.5″ tall

After the doctor Lia had another surprise! Mommy, pop and I took her to Dino Cafe where there are life sized dinosaurs all throughout the restaurant! Once again Lia was so excited to see them all and even hear them roar!

When we sat down the family at the table next to us heard us talking about Lia’s birthday. It seems like the mom’s birthday was today too! We shared Happy Birthday wishes with her and her family did the same with Lia. As were waiting for our food, the lady comes over, hands Lia a stack of money and told her to buy something for her birthday! Lia counted up the ones, there were ten of them!

We had dinner and then the waitress brought out a huge piece of chocolate lava cake and a bowl of ice cream while signing happy birthday! We had a great afternoon with the dinosaurs.

Lia has so many new toys, she has to decide which ones to play with first! But she had to try out her big surprise that was at the top of the stairs. It was a new bike and she had to ride it before it got dark. For her first time out, she did great!

We have a few more birthday surprises throughout the week, tomorrow will be Dinosaur miniature golf, Wednesday is Build-a-Bear and Ripley’s Aquarium. Thursday and Friday will be getting ready for Lia’s 3rd birthday party with a few of her friends.

Last night when Lia went to bed we asked her how old she was. She told us she was two but when she wakes up she will be three and that’s just what happened, the day has finally come. Our little bit of Sunshine has grown up so fast and I can only imagine what she has in store for her coming year!

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Martha DeMeo

I started my blog on Christmas Day 2014 mainly to review products I received. Since then it has evolved into many other categories of lifestyles, family, money saving ideas, low cost, delicious and healthy meals plus other surprise posts. My granddaughter has her own category, Alex's Articles and the latest addition to my blog is my great granddaughter now has her category, Lia's Likings The Baby Blogger! Lia started blogger at 8 months old and she now has a Friday Story Time blog you won't want to miss! I welcome you to join the conversation, ask a question, give a suggestion or leave a comment on any blog post. I hope you enjoy Lia's Likings, she has some great posts that will make you smile!

16 Discussion to this post

  1. Martha, the Bible says children are gifts from God. And psychology says, the more time you spend with your kids from age 0-5, the more smart, warm, and capable they are. God sent this little spirit to be loved by you and your family, as well as to shine His light and love into the World. Wow! The complete package. What a fun BD week you have planned! Hello and Happy Birthday to Lia, from me and from Sunshine the Rooster. I am so glad to know you all.

    • Martha says:

      I have always said Lia is a gift from God and she has so much love and compassion to share. I know she will make an impact to the world! Lia says, “Thank you for the birthday wishes Kebba!”

  2. Dr.Amrita Basu says:

    I love how sunny and kind Lia is .It says a lot about the beautiful people in her life.Her mother,and her grandparents are super wonderful .Have a fantabulous birthday dear Lia.

  3. Dominique says:

    Happy birthday, Lia!

  4. Samantha T says:

    Happy happy birthday to Lia! Hope she has/had a blast celebrating her birthday week! THanks for sharing all the wonderful pictures. Such a cutie.

  5. Alice Gerard says:

    What a ray of sunshine Lia is. I love to see her radiant smiles and her joy as she has one adventure after the next. She is so sweet and so mature and so caring of other people and the dog. Happy birthday, Lia!

  6. Tinkerbell says:

    hope you had a fun 3rd birthday Lia

  7. HAPPY 3RD BIRTHDAY, LIA! What an amazing birthday week you have planned! I hope you have an awesome time celebrating with your family. Sending lots of love and hugs. Jaime

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