Happy To See My Old Friends
Hi and welcome back to the Ultimate Blog Challenge again! I’m so happy to see my “old” friends back and how great to see some newbies join in! I know
Hi and welcome back to the Ultimate Blog Challenge again! I’m so happy to see my “old” friends back and how great to see some newbies join in! I know
Today is Friday Story Time by Lia and it’s April Ultimate Blog Challenge Time! I get to welcome all my blogger friends back to the challenge before ma does! We
The January UBC is over and I just completed my 25th consecutive Ultimate Blog Challenge! When I signed up for my first UBC in January 2016 I never had a
Most of you know I love to find ways to save money and also not waste food items. Well the other day my Ultimate Blog Challenge friend posted a review
Last week I shared my shopping tips and now I’m saying no more shopping trips! I usually stop shopping and ordering takeout during January but I missed it this year.