Stay Healthy on Holiday

4 important ways to stay healthy on

Think about what you eat
The Secret Traveller blog (by 1 Cover) has a list of the best foods worth traveling for, including Bratwurst mit bot in Germany and Nasi Lemak in Malaysia. After all, trying new foods is a big part of exploring new places.
However, just because there is plenty of new foods to try, that doesn’t mean you don’t need to consider what you’re eating. If you’re somewhere with a buffet, don’t just fill up on unhealthy foods because they’re there – try to have a little balance. Street foods are a lot of fun to explore, but try to check out the quality of the food where possible. If there’s a long line of locals, you can feel confident that the food is good.
Go for walks
When my husband and I go traveling, we love to go for walks. Not only are they a great way to explore the local area and see things you might not get to if you were on public transport, but it’s also a fantastic way of making sure you get exercise in, in between laying on the beach. Try to walk a little every day, whether you want to look around markets, or take treks up steep hills; the more walking you can do, the better!

Stay hydrated
Quite often, drinking on holiday means a glass or two of Sangria in the sunshine, but it’s also incredibly important to make sure you’re drinking plenty of water too – especially if you’re somewhere sunny!
Drink often throughout the day, and if you sip on diuretics such as caffeine or alcohol, make sure you up your water intake even more! Before you travel to a new country, make sure you check whether the water there is safe to drink, and if not, invest in bottled water.
Be sun safe
For many of us, the sunshine and hotter weather is a big draw for going on holiday, but it’s really important to make sure you’re safe in the heat. Wear sunscreen whenever you’re outside, even if the sun doesn’t seem too strong, and try to cover up with lightweight clothes to protect your skin more. A hat and sunglasses are must-wear accessories to protect your head and eyes.
If you do happen to get burnt, use calamine lotion and paracetamol, and try to be more careful when next out in the sun.
So these are just four tips on ways you can try to stay healthy while on holiday. Getting sick in another country is inconvenient, and can really ruin your fun. The best cure is prevention, so do your best to follow these tips and have a happy and healthy trip!
Do you have any other tips on how to stay healthy while you’re on holiday? Leave them in the comments.
Very helpful tips;when traveling!
Thanks for stopping by and reading this blog Rich. It’s very useful information for traveling.
Drink alot of water, Avoid sugar and carbs. You can sugar free sweetners instead of sugar, Instead of flour use almond flour and cocanut flour.
Those are great tips Trisa! Thanks for sharing them.
Since I will be traveling over Christmas vacation, these tips will help immensely! When I travel I like to keep healthy snacks with me in case I get hurnger pains. I usually carry small bags of trail mix or dried fruit, something that doesn’t need to be kept cold.
Glad the tips will help you on your travels Anne. What a great idea to carry snacks that don’t need to be refrigerated, the dried fruit is an excellent suggestion. Thanks for visiting.
bottled water bottled water. although in italy especially in rome is known to have clean water.
We can’t be too careful with water when traveling. Great tip for carrying your own bottle water. Thanks for the suggestion Abraham!
Great Tips~Thanks for sharing!
Thanks Deb, hope they can be of help to you. Thanks for visiting!
I love going on long walks with my family, and we’re always sure to bring plenty of water bottles to stay hydrated!
Good advice to bring water with you Alexandra! Thanks for visiting, enjoy your walks.
I’m hoping to go on a vacation soon, these tips will definitely come in handy while we’re out and about!
I’m glad the tips will help you when vacation Rosa. Enjoy your trip and thanks for visiting.
The walking is great advice for people who vacation a lot, it helped us a lot when we traveled to Venice Beach! Another good tip is to maintain good cardiovascular health. You can do this by maintaining your sugar intake as listed above, or even go as far as doing some jumping jacks or deep breathing exercises! This article was not only very informative, but it was VERY well organized and put together so that it’s very easy to follow and understand. I’m not a big reader, but not ONCE did I feel bored or off track reading this. Beautiful article, keep up the good work Martha!
Wow, you added some great tips FiammaBlu! Sugar intake and exercising while on Holiday are excellent tips. Thanks for visiting the blog, stop back soon!