Spiritual Sunday Quiet Meditation

I made a place for my quiet meditation and reading thanks to my blogger friend Jeanine B. for suggesting to arrange a cozy place. (Snowball had to make sure it was cozy enough) I have some very special books to chose from to keep close by including Jesus Listens for my daily devotional reading. Thank you Kebba B. and Brenda F. for all the wonderful spiritual love I receive when reading your books.

I got this idea from a Facebook friend where she has a Happiness Jar. I didn’t have a jar but found this storage bucket that Lia made a few years ago by weaving ribbon around the sides. The idea is to write yourself a note of something that made you feel happy each day and put it in the jar or basket. She even suggested to add photos of special times. At the end of the year, go through the notes for wonderful memories. I keep this here so I can add my daily note after my evening meditation.

I thought this picture was perfect to share on Spiritual Sunday. After our South Carolina snow and ice storm last week, Lia, Alex and I were out in the snow. Lia made a snowball and threw it toward the sky for Pop, he always loved snow. I snapped the picture at the perfect time, just as the snowball had left Lia’s hand. What I didn’t notice until after I went back and looked at the picture was the sky. It was a cold, cloudy day but there was an opening of brightness and what I saw in the clouds under the brightness was a cupped hand waiting to catch the snowball. I was mentioning this to my friend Kebba B. and her words were so comforting to me in her comment: “God uses His limitless power to remind us how much He loves us. That cloud opening was a window for Rich to receive your and Lia’s love, and for him to share his love with you”.

These are today’s reading in Jesus Listens. This is the perfect ending for my Spiritual Sunday blog. May you all have a blessed Sunday filled with love.
Much Love Martha
Sending hugs and love back to you Brenda.
What a sweet post. I hope you have a cozy warm Sunday.
Thanks Amanda, hope you also have a warm Sunday.
I love this idea! I started a similar practice with a little jar I keep on my desk. It’s such a joy to reflect on the happy moments, and I look forward to reading them all at the end of the year. Adding photos is such a sweet touch—I might start doing that too!
That is great Hanna, I am so happy I started my daily happy note. It will be fun to read it at the end of the year.
Looks like you have created a wonderfully cozy corner to find your inner peace 💖
I love how you guys are enjoying the snow ❄️
Thanks Tamara, I’m enjoying my cozy corner.
Your post is so calming and inspiring! I love how you capture the peace of quiet meditation—it’s such a beautiful reminder to pause. As someone who finds peace in crochet, I really connect with this.
I think this is just what I needed Jasmine for my quiet time.
Hi Martha! What a wonderful, beautiful spiritual setting you have created for your meditation. Also, what an Amazing photo – and it gave me chills down my back when I read: “What I didn’t notice until after I went back and looked at the picture was the sky. It was a cold, cloudy day but there was an opening of brightness and what I saw in the clouds under the brightness was a cupped hand waiting to catch the snowball” How Beautiful and Awe-inspiring!
Thank you Diana, sometimes we snap a picture and focus on the object but after reviewing it, you see more. This was one of those times and if you look at the snowball and follow it straight up, it would land right in the hand. God is always with us.
I love this so much!!
First your cozy spot – it looks so nurturing!!
Our women’s spirituality book group just began the Gratuitude Diaries by Janice Kaplan- and your practice fits right in! One friend has kept a Gratuitude jar for over a decade – others are doing a journal.
And the snowball and Hand in the Clouds – wow!! Several days after my dad passed in ’92, I was in the middle mineral pool on a hillside at the hot springs retreat center where I lived and worked. I glanced up, and there was my dad’s profile in the clouds!! I casually asked my friend (who’d met my dad) what he saw … and after a moment, he said, ‘your dad’s face …?… umm – yeah … ‘he’ remained for over an hour, before gradually fading …
💕 💙 ✋️
How special to see you dad in the clouds Nadya! I love looking at them and “finding” special things in the clouds. WOW over a decade of notes, that fantastic!
Martha, a quiet corner, a happiness basket, a snowball thrown to Heaven, love permeating every move you make: this is what God dreams of for His people. Thanks for a great post!
Thanks Kebba, my quiet corner is just one more “piece of peace” for me.
Oh I love that you have Kebba’s and Brenda’s books!! And what a great cozy corner. I’m so happy that you have it!
Thanks Jeanine, I got this idea from you. I love all their books and it’s so relaxing in my corner.