South Carolina Snow for Wordless Wednesday

Last night I was looking through my photographs to see what I could come up with for Wordless Wednesday. I looked outside and saw it snowing so I had my answer!
January 21 The snow started late evening

It’s rare for it to snow in South Carolina but when it does, just about everything shuts down! Up north, we would have two to three foot snow storms and life went on. In the south, two to three inches shuts us down. Schools were already cancelled as of yesterday afternoon. But at least the kiddos get to enjoy this rare occasion. Enjoy some of our South Carolina snow for Wordless Wednesday!

My mom’s birthday is January 25th, she passed away on January 20, 2000. That year on her birthday we had about the same amount of snow as now and she knew how much Rich loved snow so we always said she sent it down for him. It’s not too far off, 4 days until her birthday and she’s sending it down again. Thanks mom for thinking of us again with the snow!

These table pictures were taken about 10 minutes apart, Lia’s hearts were completed covered up. The last picture was taken this morning.

Mommy wanted Lia to go out and make Snow Angels but she said it was too cold. I asked her if she would go if I went out too, she said yes! So here we are making Snow Angels. I know Pop is looking down laughing at us but he loves the snow and this is what I would always do while Rich would be clearing the driveway. Maybe he sent it down along with my mom?

Nothing like a cup of hot chai latte tea topped with whipped cream and extra cinnamon to warm up my insides after playing in the snow!
January 22 Early morning the snow has ended

Snowball was is such a hurry to go out and play I couldn’t even get a picture of the backyard without any footprints! LOL

I love a fresh fallen snow without any footprints but Snowball ran out in the backyard before I could get any pictures without his tiny footprints. LOL He was like a kid in the snow, oh so was I! And to think we would get feets and feets of snow up north and life would go on almost like normal. Everyone in the south gets so excited with a few inches and even schools are closed, But it’s also cold, was in the low 20’s this morning butt had warmed up by the time I took a picture.
I hope you enjoy my South Carolina snow for Wordless Wednesday but with lots of added words!
Yup – LOTS of words today. Great pictures!! Snow always makes things look prettier. Thanks for sharing, and I am glad you got some to enjoy.
I got my “chatting” from my dad Paul. My mom said he could strike up a conversation with anyone. But I felt these needed words, LOTS of words. LOL
I enjoyed your snow post immensely ☃❄
Social media is going crazy over Florida’s and other southern states’ snowfall, and you can’t blame them. It’s so pretty and so rare! I actually saw a picture of snow at the beach!!
Your Mom and Rich are having a field day, I mean a snow day in heaven!
We got a “big” snowstorm, yes 4″-5″ is big here LOL about every 10 years. I’m sure mom and Rich are having a great time watching us.
I love your pictures! I’ve got 2 or 3 Facebook posts with my snow pics, so I decided to combine them all into a Wordless Wednesday snow post, too, even though I already posted about evening rituals. I think you’re right – our moms and your Rich sent us some snow.
Thanks Jeanine! Did I miss your Wordless Wednesday snow post, I’ll have to go back and check!
I am so happy that you and Lia had fun in the snow!!! The weather has been crazy! Even Florida had a snowfall, which is beyond bizarre. Here in Western New York, we woke up to temperatures of -5 degrees F. Oh my! Schools were closed because of the exceptional coldness. We do tend to get plenty of snow here, but it’s not usually that cold!
How I remember the heavy snow storms from when we lived in upstate NY Alice! But in the south schools are closed with even an inch of snow, southerners don’t know how to drive in it!
Martha, wow! Snow joy and everyone frolicking! And the memorial/prayer garden covered with the serenity of snow. Awesome, awesome, awesome! I spent my public school years in Delaware, where snow was also rare. But when we had some, we enjoyed it and attempted to make snowmen. The first snow really brings peace to the landscape. And then there’s the bliss of going inside for a warm-up and a mug of hot chocolate. Memories! I have lived in Arizona since 1976, so memories are what I have with snow. <3
I love the first snow as it’s falling and before and footprints or tire marks show up. Even though it was freezing, I went out and sat in my prayer garden, it was so peaceful and serene. The hot chocolate when coming inside is like the frosting on a cake Kebba!
Wow, great blog. Love you guys.
It’s rare for SC to get snow Amanda so we have to take advantage of it while it’s here!