Smile Saturday

Today is Silly Saturday but I changed the name a bit to Smile Saturday just for today. Tomorrow is my grandson’s 26th birthday and as I was going through my photos I came across some silly but funny shots of Zac that made me smile.

Lia and I made Zac a birthday cake for an early party while in Indiana but we forgot the candles. But big sister Alex saved the day by flicking the Bic lighter! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZAC, I love you so much!

Zac has always been full of laughs and I love this picture of him with his sister, Alex.

These are two of my favorites! Zac started climbing our fence when he was about 2 years old, I think in the first picture he was about 4. The second picture was taken on Lia’s 1st birthday when Zac came down from Indiana. He had just turned 21 and he was talking about how he used to climb the fence. I’m so glad I was able to find the original photo from all those years. Check out his hands, they are almost in the exact position in both photos!

Ever since Zac could make his own ramen noodles at around 4 or 5 years old, he used a tablespoon to stir and eat them! It was his spoon and if any used it they better put it back where it came from. After Zac’s family moved to Indiana back when he was around 10 years old, on one of our visits we wrapped up Zac’s spoon as a Christmas present for him. He was so excited to have his spoon back. LOL

Not sure what Pop was telling the grands for Zac to have his little smirk and Alex to be paying such close attention but I love this memory shot.

Silly Zac, when he and Alex were “working” with us in our shop back when they were about 3-4 years old they each a dump truck and they would sit in the back of them and have races around the store. When Zac came down to visit years later he spotted his yellow dump truck and the memories made him smile. And we still have them in the backyard!

This is the first birthday that pop will miss saying Happy Birthday Zac but we have so many memories to keep us together. Love, love, love you happy, silly Zac and so proud of you! I think Zac will always have that little kid in him even as he grows older because he takes after me!

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Martha DeMeo

I started my blog on Christmas Day 2014 mainly to review products I received. Since then it has evolved into many other categories of lifestyles, family, money saving ideas, low cost, delicious and healthy meals plus other surprise posts. My granddaughter has her own category, Alex's Articles and the latest addition to my blog is my great granddaughter now has her category, Lia's Likings The Baby Blogger! Lia started blogger at 8 months old and she now has a Friday Story Time blog you won't want to miss! I welcome you to join the conversation, ask a question, give a suggestion or leave a comment on any blog post. I hope you enjoy Lia's Likings, she has some great posts that will make you smile!

10 Discussion to this post

  1. Amrita Basu says:

    Did Zac help you with your website Martha?Your grandkids are all so sweet and your pictures make me feel as if we saw them grow up.

    • Martha says:

      Actually my oldest grandson, CJ helped me way back in 2014 go from the free WordPress to my own domain. (Another thing I knew nothing about) I’ve since learned by writing my blogs and getting notices from WP as to updates Amrita. I must say, I am the first to blog in my family.

  2. Tamara says:

    I love the “back then” and “now” pictures of Zac at the fence! Same fence, same guy, just a couple years in between!
    Happy Birthday, Zac!

    • Martha says:

      And even now that he is so much mature and grown into a wonderful young man, I think he will always keep a bit of his funny self going Tamara. Zac is my Indiana rock.

  3. What a heartwarming and delightful post, Martha!

    Your love for Zac shines through every word and photo. It’s wonderful to see how you’ve captured these precious moments throughout his life, from his adorable childhood antics to his grown-up silliness. Your family always warms my heart. Keep on being a beacon of love in the world.

    Happy 26th birthday to Zac! Thank you for sharing these joyful snippets of your family’s life with us, Martha. It truly made me smile.

    • Martha says:

      I think Zac is one of those guys that will never grow up Safrianna. He is so talented in his work and advanced in his years but that little kid in him will stay forever just like me, I grew old(er) but I don’t grow up. We all need to keep the fun parts of our lives going.

  4. Amrita Basu says:

    A very happy birthday to Zac.I Hope he has an amazing birthday and a wonderful life .The pictures are adorable.

    • Martha says:

      Thanks Amrita, Zac is such a super grandson and I’m glad we were able to make the trip to Indiana for an early birthday surprise for him.

  5. Great blog and nice photos.

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