SimpleTaste Juicer Review

20% discount code for my readers ends September 8, 2018


Since I started my healthy eating plan I wanted to add juicing so I was super excited to review the SimpleTaste Juicer to make fresh, high nutrient and healthy fruit and vegetable juices.   This juicer is easy to use, has a quiet motor with forward and reverse switch on the back of the juicer plus easy to clean. It comes with a clean cup that goes under the strainer for the juice to extract and another one to put in front of the machine for the pulp.


This is my first attempt on juicing and so for I love it.  I started with a fresh pineapple, peeled, removed the eyes and cut into chunks.  I added the pineapple to the juicer and it went through the auger without any problem.  The juice goes through the strainer into the cup and the pulp shoots out the front of the juicer into another cup.


I tried oranges next, all I did was peel them, pull a few sections apart and proceeded to put them in the juicer.  So much juice came out and I had a cup full of orange pulp to add in muffins!  There is no waste, the pulp can also be used when baking or in soup or stew.    This is pure pineapple and orange juice and how delicious!!

The SimpleTaste Juicer has a slow-speed, powerful 80 RPM motor and is great for all types of fruits, fibrous vegetables, leafy greens, wheatgrass and barley grass that extracts the juice and nutrients.  There are a few different types of juicers and I like how the Masticating juicer uses an auger that rotates slowly and will crush the fruits and vegetables to release the juice and nutrients. 


After using the juicer it’s very easy to take apart and clean. It comes with a cleaning brush and I use hot water to remove most of the residue and anything left I use the brush and it comes clean without any problem.   I do suggest cleaning it immediately after use or at least soak in warm water.  It’s very easy to disassemble and put back together for your next awesome juicing experience.


I also made vegetable juice with tomatoes, carrots and lettuce.  I call this my “V3 Juice”  because of the three vegetables.   I’m looking forward to trying different vegetables to make more healthy vegetable juices.


But since I love tomato juice, I also much a cup of that along with a video showing how quiet the SimpleTaste Juicer is.  When I’m making a variety of juices at the same time, I put a glass in the cup and it’s the perfect size for a cup of juice. That way I have the juice ready to drink and the cup is ready for another glass. The tomato juice was so thick that I added water to it and it made twice as much juice!


I am pleased with the construction plus how easy it is to use and clean the SimpleTaste Slow Masticating Juicer Extractor. There is also a 30-day full refund plus a 12-month warranty.  If you or someone you know are looking into juicing, you will want to check this one out and you’ll be surprised at how affordable it is. 

As a special to my readers, (one per customer) the company is offering a 20% discount off the purchase of this juicer.  Offer ends September 8, 2018 so hurry before the code expires!  Just use the following Amazon link and when you go to check out, add this code in the code box:  Martha08

Be sure to visit their Facebook page for more discounts and giveaways!

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Martha DeMeo

I started my blog on Christmas Day 2014 mainly to review products I received. Since then it has evolved into many other categories of lifestyles, family, money saving ideas, low cost, delicious and healthy meals plus other surprise posts. My granddaughter has her own category, Alex's Articles and the latest addition to my blog is my great granddaughter now has her category, Lia's Likings The Baby Blogger! Lia started blogger at 8 months old and she now has a Friday Story Time blog you won't want to miss! I welcome you to join the conversation, ask a question, give a suggestion or leave a comment on any blog post. I hope you enjoy Lia's Likings, she has some great posts that will make you smile!

3 Discussion to this post

  1. Ariane says:

    I really like this juicer but the black part where the auger attaches cracked and I’m wondering when it’s gonna break completely. Can I change that part? What company do I contact?
    I think this machine came out under other brand names is it possible?

  2. Thank you.Please share another brand juicer

  3. akash says:

    help full revew

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