Silly Saturday Pictures

Today is Silly Saturday or I could call it Smile Saturday again and I’m sharing a few Silly Saturday Pictures that might help you get through the day with a few laughs and smiles. We all need to by silly at times.

We had an extended week of playtime with schools closed for three days due to an ice and snow storm in South Carolina. This is Mr. Snowy built by Alex and Lia. He must have come from Italy because his scarf says Roma on it and he’s decked out with a Sky cap. No carrot for the nose but Mr. Snowy is super sharp looking with a spear like piece from our Agave plant. He’s a happy little fella, smiling at everyone walking by. We even have neighbors stopping by to take pictures of him!

Ms. Beachit lives a few doors from us, she is just hanging out on her beach chair with her sun visor and glasses plus of course her flip flops ready for some sun. Oh no, I hope not because then she’ll be gone! Gone to the beach perhaps?

There always has to be a kid who doesn’t act their age! That would be this almost 76 year old great grandma making snow Angels with Lia. I grow old(er) but I don’t grow up.

Met Fred, he’s up in Manassas Virginia. When I was visiting my daughter we had a clean up the yard day. Chris was sawing up tree limbs and when I saw the shape of this one it reminded me of a body and pair of legs. Adding a few sticks and stones, the limb was easily transformed into a little man. When they visited Myrtle Beach, they found Ms. Shell screaming on the beach, “help me!” So Chris and Bryon saved her from the rough ocean tide. Now Fred and Ms. Shell are good friends.

I think this Fred must be related to our family. Chris can put on a straight face in the blink of an eye just like Rich could. When Fred was hanging around this bakery in Bryson City, NC we took one look at him and both have the same “smile”. Chris calls this her resting B face especially when she’s at work and people won’t show their Costco card or receipt when leaving. LOL

In closing, I have to share this picture that shows how beautiful Chris is when she does in fact smile! I hope my Silly Saturday pictures brought some laughs and smiles to you and may you all have a fun weekend.

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Martha DeMeo

I started my blog on Christmas Day 2014 mainly to review products I received. Since then it has evolved into many other categories of lifestyles, family, money saving ideas, low cost, delicious and healthy meals plus other surprise posts. My granddaughter has her own category, Alex's Articles and the latest addition to my blog is my great granddaughter now has her category, Lia's Likings The Baby Blogger! Lia started blogger at 8 months old and she now has a Friday Story Time blog you won't want to miss! I welcome you to join the conversation, ask a question, give a suggestion or leave a comment on any blog post. I hope you enjoy Lia's Likings, she has some great posts that will make you smile!

8 Discussion to this post

  1. Your Silly Saturday pictures are so much fun to scroll through! They always bring a smile. I actually created my own snow scene recently with a skeleton and a ‘Help Me’ sign—it’s my quirky take since I’m not a fan of building snowmen. Have you ever experimented with playful snow setups like that? I don’t know how to attach images to my comments. Here is my the link to the picture of my skeleton in the snow

    • Martha says:

      OMG that is hilarious Jasmine. Now I wish I could scurry around and find a skeleton to put around the melting snowman! Thanks for the idea and glad the pictures brought a smile to you.

  2. Alice Gerard says:

    Growing older is inevitable, but growing up is an option that you don’t have to take! I am happy that you and the kids had so much fun in the snow!!!

  3. Martha, I was so hoping you would do Silly Saturday today! I was hoping you would include the snow angels image. All your images made me smile. And both Mr. Snowy and Ms. Beachit made me laugh out loud! In the many years I ‘ve been in Arizona, Phoenix has never had enough snow to build something. Now, Fred the Sample Guy and Chris do make quite a pair. He must be a distant cousin, with that expression. And she is beautiful when she smiles! Thanks for helping me gt my Silly on, on this Silly/Smiley Saturday!

    • Martha says:

      I’m so glad you came up with Silly Saturday idea Kebba! It makes my day plus so many others love seeing the silly photos. The snow showed up just the right time for Silly Saturday!

  4. I loved these photos. You did, Indeed, make me smile.

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